A footnote.
Includes additional remarks and references on the same page with footnotes. A footnote will insert a superscript number that links to the note at the bottom of the page. Notes are numbered sequentially throughout your document and can break across multiple pages.
To customize the appearance of the entry in the footnote listing, see footnote.entry
. The footnote itself is realized as a normal superscript, so you can use a set rule on the super
function to customize it. You can also apply a show rule to customize only the footnote marker (superscript number) in the running text.
Check the docs for more details.

The footnote automatically attaches itself to the preceding word, even if there is a space before it in the markup. To force space, you can use the string #" "
or explicit horizontal spacing.
By giving a label to a footnote, you can have multiple references to it.
You can edit Typst documents online.
#footnote[] <fn>
Checkout Typst's website. @fn
And the online app. #footnote(<fn>)

Note: Set and show rules in the scope where footnote
is called may not apply to the footnote's content. See here for more information.
How to number footnotes.
By default, the footnote numbering continues throughout your document. If you prefer per-page footnote numbering, you can reset the footnote counter in the page header. In the future, there might be a simpler way to achieve this.
Default: "1"
View example
#set footnote(numbering: "*")

The content to put into the footnote. Can also be the label of another footnote this one should point to.
An entry in a footnote list.
This function is not intended to be called directly. Instead, it is used in set and show rules to customize footnote listings.
#show footnote.entry: set text(red)
My footnote listing
#footnote[It's down here]
has red text!

Note: Footnote entry properties must be uniform across each page run (a page run is a sequence of pages without an explicit pagebreak in between). For this reason, set and show rules for footnote entries should be defined before any page content, typically at the very start of the document.
The footnote for this entry. Its location can be used to determine the footnote counter state.
View example
#show footnote.entry: it => {
let loc = it.note.location()
"1: ",
Customized #footnote[Hello]
listing #footnote[World! 🌏]

The separator between the document body and the footnote listing.
Default: line(length: 30% + 0pt, stroke: 0.5pt)
View example
#set footnote.entry(
separator: repeat[.]
Testing a different separator.
Unconventional, but maybe
not that bad?

The amount of clearance between the document body and the separator.
Default: 1em
View example
#set footnote.entry(clearance: 3em)
Footnotes also need ...
... some space to breathe.

The gap between footnote entries.
Default: 0.5em
View example
#set footnote.entry(gap: 0.8em)

The indent of each footnote entry.
Default: 1em
View example
#set footnote.entry(indent: 0em)