Privacy Policy

What data do we collect?

  1. When you visit this website

    We collect information about which pages you open on our servers using Plausible Community Edition. For this purpose, an anonymous fingerprint of your browser is created. This fingerprint is discarded 24 hours after your visit ends. Our page analytics do not collect data that allows us to associate your sessions on our website after this time window. We cannot associate your visits on this website with any of your visits on other websites. This analytics data is never transmitted to third parties.

    You may opt out of tracking below. For this purpose, we have to store a cookie in your browser. Because we cannot associate your current with your previous visits, we cannot delete existing analytics from our systems.

    This website is delivered by the global Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network, which may store your IP address for abuse prevention.

  2. When you use our web application

    Once you sign up to use the Typst web application, we collect your email address, display name, and password. We store your email address and display name in our database. We also store the projects you create with the Typst web application and the files you upload to these projects.

    To store your projects and files, we use the Microsoft Azure Cloud. We only ever store your files in data centers within the European Union. Your project data is encrypted at-rest using a Microsoft-managed key.

    We will send you transactional emails to notify you about activity in your account or important security events. To send these transactional emails, we use the US-based cloud provider Amazon Web Services (AWS). Your email address and the contents of the email will be sent to and stored by AWS.

    If you choose to receive marketing emails from us during sign up or at any other time, your email and IP addresses will be sent to and stored by our US-based partner Twilio SendGrid. When you receive an marketing email from us, SendGrid may track whether and how you open or interact with that email.

    If you receive an email from us and don't wish to continue to do so, you may unsubscribe from the email list by clicking the link in the footer of that email. You can also disable marketing emails in your user account settings. Finally, you can, at any time, contact us through this website or by email and ask us to remove you from the email list. If you additionally want us to delete your historical email records from our systems, please tell us.

    If you opt in to telemetry data collection at sign up or at any other time, we will collect information about your interactions with the Typst web application. We will send this telemetry data, a unique user ID, and your display name to our US-based partner Mixpanel. Mixpanel will also store a cookie in your browser to associate your sessions with your user ID. Typst is enrolled in Mixpanel's EU Data Residency Programme, so your telemetry data will never leave the European Union. You can opt out of telemetry data collection in your user account settings at any time.

  3. When you subscribe to Typst

    We offer subscriptions to the Typst web application through our US-based Merchant of Record, Paddle. When you subscribe to Typst we collect your country and billing address, together with, optionally, your business name and VAT ID. When you first subscribe to Typst, we will transmit this information, your email address, and the subscription plan you chose to Paddle. Paddle will store this information in their systems and collect your payment information to process your subscription.

    Paddle will contact you via email about your subscription, including invoices and payment reminders. You can also contact Paddle about your subscription at any time. Paddle will share your transaction history with us to facilitate product fulfilment, order processing, fraud prevention, and product support.

    If your account currently has or ever had a subscription to Typst, we will share any updates to your email address with Paddle.

  4. When you send us a message via the contact form

    Your name, email address, and message will be collected and sent to our email inboxes so we can reply to it. Our email inboxes are hosted within the European Union by the Indian company Zoho. We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to transmit your email to our inbox. Amazon is a US company and will use a data center in Frankfurt, Germany for this purpose. They must process your email address and message to send it.

    You can send us an email yourself by using our email address to prevent Amazon from processing your data.

    Currently, any message you send us may be retained in our inboxes indefinitely. Of course, you may request your message to be deleted after we replied to and acted on it.

What rights do you have?

Under the European Union’s GDPR, the United Kingdom's GDPR, and California’s CCPA regulations, you enjoy the following privacy-related rights:

  1. Right to Information: You have the right to know what personally identifiable information of you we collect and process, where we do this and with which partners. We also have to inform you about ways to opt out of any data collection and retention, although some data storage (such as storing your project files) is necessary to provide our service to you. Refer to the previous section for this information. As an EU resident, you may contact a government data protection office such as the Berlin state representative for data protection if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated.
  2. Right to Access: You may request to receive all information we store from you at any time. You can easily download all information associated with your Typst account (including projects) from the account settings. If you want to access other information we stored about you (e.g., e-mail marketing data), you may contact us at any time.
  3. Right to Rectification: You can change account information, such as your display name and email address, in the account settings. If you believe that we store other inaccurate or out-of-date information about you, you may contact us at any time, providing the updated information.
  4. Right to Erasure: You may request that we remove all personally identifiable information about you from our systems at any time. In some cases, e.g. if you delete your account, we cannot continue to provide service to you afterwards.
  5. Right to Restrict Data Processing: You may partition us to temporarily suspend the processing of your personally identifiable information if you believe that we store or process inaccurate information about you or unlawfully process your data.
  6. Right to Data Portability: You have the right to receive the data we stored about you in a machine-readable format that can potentially be used with the services of other vendors or by yourself. We will always include machine-readable data in Right to Access requests, be it for the data in your account or any other data we stored about you. The Typst files in your projects can be processed with the non-commercial, open source version of the Typst compiler.
  7. Right to Object: You may, at any time, object to further processing of your data by us. This includes, for example, email marketing, and complements the Right to Erasure. You can learn how to object above.
  8. Right to Refuse Personal Data Sale: You may refuse the sale of your personal data. Since Typst will never sell your personal data, you do not need to opt out of this.
  9. Right to Non-Discrimination: Exercising any of the above rights shall not lead to any discrimination in price, service level or quality, or other offer conditions. However, sometimes we need to collect, store, and process your information to provide a service or offer (i.e. your email address to send you a beta invite). If you opt out of this data collection, we cannot provide the corresponding service.

These rights are only enforceable for European Union, the United Kingdom, or California residents, but we grant them to all of our users regardless of jurisdiction or country of residency.