
Question mark

Finds elements in the document.

The query functions lets you search your document for elements of a particular type or with a particular label. To use it, you first need to ensure that context is available.

Finding elements

In the example below, we create a custom page header that displays the text "Typst Academy" in small capitals and the current section title. On the first page, the section title is omitted because the header is before the first section heading.

To realize this layout, we open a context and then query for all headings after the current location. The code within the context block runs twice: Once per page.

#set page(header: context {
  let elems = query(
  let academy = smallcaps[
    Typst Academy
  if elems.len() == 0 {
    align(right, academy)
  } else {
    let body = elems.last().body
    academy + h(1fr) + emph(body)

= Introduction

= Background

= Analysis
Preview Preview

You can get the location of the elements returned by query with location.

A word of caution

To resolve all your queries, Typst evaluates and layouts parts of the document multiple times. However, there is no guarantee that your queries can actually be completely resolved. If you aren't careful a query can affect itself—leading to a result that never stabilizes.

In the example below, we query for all headings in the document. We then generate as many headings. In the beginning, there's just one heading, titled Real. Thus, count is 1 and one Fake heading is generated. Typst sees that the query's result has changed and processes it again. This time, count is 2 and two Fake headings are generated. This goes on and on. As we can see, the output has a finite amount of headings. This is because Typst simply gives up after a few attempts.

In general, you should try not to write queries that affect themselves. The same words of caution also apply to other introspection features like counters and state.

= Real
#context {
  let elems = query(heading)
  let count = elems.len()
  count * [= Fake]

Command line queries

You can also perform queries from the command line with the typst query command. This command executes an arbitrary query on the document and returns the resulting elements in serialized form. Consider the following example.typ file which contains some invisible metadata:

#metadata("This is a note") <note>

You can execute a query on it as follows using Typst's CLI:

$ typst query example.typ "<note>"
    "func": "metadata",
    "value": "This is a note",
    "label": "<note>"

Frequently, you're interested in only one specific field of the resulting elements. In the case of the metadata element, the value field is the interesting one. You can extract just this field with the --field argument.

$ typst query example.typ "<note>" --field value
["This is a note"]

If you are interested in just a single element, you can use the --one flag to extract just it.

$ typst query example.typ "<note>" --field value --one
"This is a note"

Question mark

label or selector or location or function
Question mark

Can be

Only locatable element functions are supported.

none or location
Question mark

Compatibility: This argument only exists for compatibility with Typst 0.10 and lower and shouldn't be used anymore.

Default: none