Aligns content horizontally and vertically.
Let's start with centering our content horizontally:
#set page(height: 120pt)
#set align(center)
Centered text, a sight to see \
In perfect balance, visually \
Not left nor right, it stands alone \
A work of art, a visual throne

To center something vertically, use horizon alignment:
#set page(height: 120pt)
#set align(horizon)
Vertically centered, \
the stage had entered, \
a new paragraph.

Combining alignments
You can combine two alignments with the +
operator. Let's also only apply this to one piece of content by using the function form instead of a set rule:
#set page(height: 120pt)
Though left in the beginning ...
#align(right + bottom)[
... they were right in the end, \
and with addition had gotten, \
the paragraph to the bottom!

Nested alignment
You can use varying alignments for layout containers and the elements within them. This way, you can create intricate layouts:
#align(center, block[
#set align(left)
Though centered together \
alone \
we \
are \

Alignment within the same line
The align
function performs block-level alignment and thus always interrupts the current paragraph. To have different alignment for parts of the same line, you should use fractional spacing instead:
Start #h(1fr) End

The alignment along both axes.
Default: start + top
View example
#set page(height: 6cm)
#set text(lang: "ar")
end + horizon,
rect(inset: 12pt)[ركن]

The content to align.