alchemist 0.1.5
A package to render skeletal formulas using CeTZ
charged-ieee 0.1.3
An IEEE-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering
clear-iclr 0.4.0
Paper template for submission to International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
graceful-genetics 0.2.0
A paper template with which to publish in journals and at conferences
grape-suite 2.0.0
Library of templates for exams, seminar papers, homeworks, etc.
splendid-mdpi 0.1.0
An MDPI-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals
unequivocal-ams 0.1.2
An AMS-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals for mathematicians
abiding-ifacconf 0.1.0
An IFAC-style paper template to publish at conferences for International Federation of Automatic Control
accelerated-jacow 0.1.3
Paper template for conference proceedings in accelerator physics
aloecius-aip 0.0.1
Typst template for reproducing AIP - Journal of Chemical Physics paper (draft)
apa7-ish 0.2.0
Typst Template that (mostly) complies with APA7 Style (Work in Progress).
arkheion 0.1.0
A simple template reproducing popular arXiv templates.
atomic 1.0.0
Draw Atoms, their electron configurations, shells and orbitals in Typst.
bamdone-aiaa 0.1.2
An American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) template for conferences.
bamdone-ieeeconf 0.1.1
An IEEE-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering
basic-report 0.1.2
A simple template for reports
blind-cvpr 0.5.0
CVPR-style paper template to publish at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) conferences.
bloated-neurips 0.7.0
NeurIPS-style paper template to publish at the Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems
bubble 0.2.2
Simple and colorful template for Typst
chemicoms-paper 0.1.0
An RSC-style paper template to publish at conferences and journals
classic-jmlr 0.4.0
Paper template for submission to Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
clean-dhbw 0.2.1
A Typst Template for DHBW
clean-math-paper 0.2.0
A simple and good looking template for mathematical papers
embiggen 0.0.1
LaTeX-like delimeter sizing in Typst
fyrst-ru-labreport 0.1.0
Reykjavík University Lab Report Template
hei-synd-report 0.1.1
A report and project template tailored to the Systems Engineering (Synd) program at the HEI-Vs School of Engineering, Sion, Switzerland.
hei-synd-thesis 0.1.1
A thesis template tailored to the Systems Engineering (Synd) program at the HEI-Vs School of Engineering, Sion, Switzerland.
ieee-monolith 0.1.0
Single column paper with IEEE-style references and bibliography.
ijimai 0.0.1
Template for writing articles for the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI)
jaconf-mscs 0.1.0
Template for Japanese conference paper of engineering. 工学系の日本語学会論文テンプレート
js 0.1.3
Typst template based on LaTeX jsarticle/jsbook document classes
leipzig-glossing 0.5.0
Linguistic interlinear glosses according to the Leipzig Glossing rules
lucky-icml 0.7.0
ICML-style paper template to publish at conferences for International Conference on Machine Learning
min-article 0.1.0
Simple and easy way to write ABNT-compliant articles.
modern-bnu-course-paper 0.1.0
北京师范大学课程论文模板。Modern Beijing Normal University Course Paper.
modern-whs-assignment 0.2.0
Assignment template for Westfälische Hochschule.
ncku-later 0.1.0
A Thesis/Dissertation Template written in Typst for National Cheng Kung University
nonsense 0.1.0
Generate nonsensical math papers or sections of them.
pioneering-rlj 0.6.0
Template for submission to Reinforcement Learning Conference/Journal (RLC/RLJ).
quick-cards 0.1.1
Easy flashcards with customizable look and feel
rubber-article 0.3.1
A simple template recreating the look of the classic LaTeX article.
smooth-tmlr 0.4.0
Paper template for submission to Transaction on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
ssrn-scribe 0.7.0
Personal working paper template for general doc and SSRN paper.
starter-journal-article 0.3.1
A starter template for journal articles.
stellar-iac 0.4.1
Template for the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) manuscript
sunny-orasis 0.1.1
A paper template made for the French national conference ORASIS following the author guidelines (also works for RFIAP and CAP).
superb-pci 0.1.0
A Peer Community In (PCI) and Peer Community Journal (PCJ) template.
supercharged-dhbw 3.4.1
Unofficial Template for DHBW
tatras-ieee 0.1.0
An IEEE-style paper template for use with Slovak language
tracl 0.5.1
Template for papers at *ACL conferences.
typsium 0.2.0
Typeset chemical formulas and reactions.
typsium-atomic 0.1.0
Draw Atoms, their electron configurations, shells and orbitals in Typst.
typsium-ghs 0.1.0
Display and format Hazard & Precautionary statements and GHS pictograms in Typst.
versatile-apa 7.1.1
Comprehensive APA 7th Edition Style Template for Typst, suitable for both student and professional papers.
wicked 0.1.1
A flexible and easy-to-use package for typesetting Wick contractions.
No packages found.