Create project in app

This is a template for Japanese academic conference paper of engineerig.



You can use this template in the Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for jaconf-mscs.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to kick this project off using the command

typst init @preview/jaconf-mscs

Typst will create a new directory with all the files needed to get you started.


This template exports the jaconf-mscs function with the following named arguments:

  • title-ja: The paper’s title in Japanese.
  • title-en: The paper’s title in English.
  • authors-ja: The Authors’ name and affiliations in Japanese.
  • authors-ja: The Authors’ name and affiliations in English.
  • abstract: The content of a brief summary or none.
  • keywords: Array of index terms to display after the abstract.
  • font-gothic: The Gothic font used for headings.
  • font-mincho: The Mincho font used for the body.
  • font-latin: The Latin font used for description in English.

The function also accepts a single, positional argument for the body of the paper.

The template will initialize your package with a sample call to the ieee function in a show rule. If you want to change an existing project to use this template, you can add a show rule like this at the top of your file:

#import "@preview/jaconf-mscs:0.1.0": temp, definition, lemma, theorem, corollary, proof, appendix

#show: temp.with(
  title-ja: [日本語学会論文のテンプレート \ - サブタイトル - ],
  title-en: [How to Write a Conference Paper in Japanese],
  authors-ja: [◯ 著者姓1 著者名1、著者姓2 著者名2(○○○大学)、著者姓3 著者名3 (□□□株式会社)],
  authors-en: [\*A. First, B. Second (○○○ Univ.), and C. Third (□□□ Corp.)],
  abstract: [#lorem(80)],
  keywords: ([Typst], [conference paper writing], [manuscript format]),
  font-gothic: "Noto Sans CJK JP",
  font-mincho: "Noto Serif CJK JP",
  font-latin: "New Computer Modern"
  // The following settings may warn of missing font families. Please set a font that exists in your environment as an alternative.
  // 以下の設定では存在しないフォントファミリーが含まれていると警告が出ます。環境に存在するフォントを設定してください。
  // font-gothic: ("BIZ UDPGothic", "MS PGothic", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", "IPAexGothic", "Noto Sans CJK JP"),
  // font-mincho: ("BIZ UDPMincho", "MS PMincho", "Hiragino Mincho Pro", "IPAexMincho", "Noto Serif CJK JP"),
  // font-latin: ("Times New Roman", "New Computer Modern")