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This is the official template for a Bachlorthesis at the HEI-Vs Engineering School in Sion, Switzerland. More templates can the found in our GitHub organization

Using the template

  1. In the Typst Univers select the hei-synd-thesis template. Locally you can use the Typst CLI to initialise the project:

    # from the typst universe
    typst init @preview/hei-synd-thesis:0.1.1
  2. Fill in the metadata in the metadata.typ file.

All metadata is optional, but it is recommended to fill in as much as possible. The metadata is divided into three sections: options, doc, and settings.

Metadata Type Description
options dictionary These are fixed values for the document, who doesn’t contribute to the content.
option.type string (“draft”,“final”) Type of the document. “final” will omit some text at the beginning of chapters (default: "final")
option.lang string (“en”, “fr”, “de”) Language of the document. Many element will be changed accordingly (default:"en")
option.template string (“thesis”, “midterm”) Template of the document (default: "thesis")
doc dictionary Document metadata
doc.title content Title of the document.
doc.subtitle content Subtitle of the document.
doc.author dictionary Author metadata
doc.author.name content Name of the author.
doc.author.email string Email of the author.
doc.author.degree content Degree of the author.
doc.author.affiliation content Affiliation of the author.
doc.author.place content Place of the author.
doc.author.url string URL of the author.
doc.author.signature image Signature of the author.
doc.keywords list of string Keywords for the document.
doc.version content Version of the document.
summary-page dictionary Summary page metadata
summary-page.logo image Logo for the summary page.
summary-page.objective content Objective of the document.
summary-page.content content Content of the document.
professor dictionary Professor metadata
professor.name content Name of the professor.
professor.email string Email of the professor.
professor.url string URL of the professor.
expert dictionary Expert metadata
expert.name content Name of the expert.
expert.email string Email of the expert.
expert.url string URL of the expert.
school dictionary School metadata
school.name content Name of the school.
school.orientation content Major of the school.
school.specialisation content Specialisation of the degree program.
school.url string URL of the school.
date datetime Date matadata of the document
date.submission datetime Submission date of the document
date.mid-term-submission datetime Mid-term submission date of the document
date.today datetime Today’s date of the document
logos dictionary Logos metadata
logos.main image Main logo of the document
logos.topleft image Top left logo of the document
logos.topright image Top right logo of the document
logos.bottomleft image Bottom left logo of the document
logos.bottomright image Bottom right logo of the document
tableof dictionary Table of … settings for the document
tableof.toc boolean Create table of contents (default: true)
tableof.tof boolean Create table of figures (default: false)
tableof.tot boolean Create table of tables (default: false)
tableof.tol boolean Create table of listings (default: false)
tableof.toe boolean Create table of equations (default: false)
tableof.maxdepth integer Max depth of the table of contents (default: 3)
gloss boolean Create glossary and acronyms (default: true)
appendix boolean Create appendix (default: false)
bib dictionary Bibliography settings for the document
bib.display boolean Display bibliography (default: true)
bib.path string Path to the bibliography file (default: "/tail/bibliography.bib")
bib.style string Style of the bibliography (default: "ieee")
  1. Write your content in the thesis.typ file as well as the other files in the main/ folder.


In order to build the Typst document locally you can use one of the following command:

# Create pdf
typst compile thesis.typ

# Create pdf and watch for changes
typst watch thesis.typ


  • [x] All metadata is optional
  • [x] Multilanguage support
  • [x] Customizable logos
  • [x] Draft and Final Typesetting
  • [x] Title page
  • [x] Summary page
  • [x] Table of contents
  • [x] Table of figures
  • [x] Table of tables
  • [x] Table of listings
  • [x] Table of equations
  • [x] Todo Boxes with Table of Todos in draft mode
  • [x] Custom Boxes
  • [x] Sourcecode with codelst
  • [x] Glossary and Acronyms with Glossarium
  • [x] Bibliography
  • [x] Content help
    • [x] Acknowledgements
    • [x] Abstract
    • [x] Introduction
    • [x] Specification
    • [x] Design
    • [x] Implementation
    • [x] Validation
    • [x] Conclusion
  • [ ] Wavedrom diagrams
  • [ ] PlantUML diagrams


If you need help writting your document look at the Typst documentation or if ou need more help with the template specifics look at the document Guide-to-Typst. IF you need help writing your thesis look at the document Guide-to-Thesis


If you would like to contribute to any of the repositories in this organization, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository you want to contribute to.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with conventional commit messages.
  4. Push your branch to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request in the original repository and describe your changes.

Issues and Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the course or any of the repositories, please feel free to open an issue in the respective repository. Our team will be happy to assist you.


All notable changes to this project are documented in the CHANGELOG.md file.

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