
Typst Package MIT License User Manual

Quick-Cards is a package for creating flashcards in Typst as fast as possible. It features three distinct creation models:

  • Auto: Just apply the show rule and your headings become categories, subheadings questions and everything else are the answers
  • Manual: Call #question[] #answer[] #hint[] or #category[] to define your cards
  • Full Auto: Convert CSV tables from Excel/Sheets into flashcards


#import "@preview/quick-cards:0.1.0": *

#show: quick-cards-show.with(
  columns:2,                        // quick-cards does layout automatically i.e.
  rows:4,                           // questions and answers line up when printing twosided
  card-template: flashcard-classic, // there's predefined templates or create your own
  parse-body: true                  // enable Auto mode

= Art                               // category
== Who painted the Mona Lisa?       // question
=== Also created the vitruvian man. // hint
Leonardo da Vinci                   // answer


#show: quick-cards-show.with(
  card-template: flashcard-modern, // try using different styles!
  parse-body: false

#category[Derivation]              // same functionality, you can even mix auto and manual
#question[What's the power rule of derivation?]
#hint[Don't forget to multiply by the exponent!]
#answer[$                          // include math, Cetz, svgs, images, etc 
  f(x) &= x^n\
  f'(x) &= n #sym.dot x^(n-1)


Alternatively try sending data directly to the quick-cards-layout function instead of using show rules. This way you can import data, turn it into content and apply a proper layout:

  columns: 3,
  cards: csv("Test.csv")
    .map(x=> flashcard-simple(
      question: x.at(0),
      answer: x.at(1),
      hint: x.at(2),
      category: x.at(2)

Use images instead of text categories, by defining image/category pairs:

    Art: image("Assets/icon-category-art.svg"),
    Movies: image("Assets/icon-category-movies.svg"),
    Nature: image("Assets/icon-category-nature.svg"),
    People: image("Assets/icon-category-people.svg"),