Create project in app

This is an unofficial Typst template for the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) manuscript, which is based on the 74th IAC Manuscript Guidelines (PDF file) and the Manuscript Template and Style Guide (MS Word file).


To initialize a project with this template, run the following command:

typst init @preview/stellar-iac

Or, you can manually add the following line at the beginning of your Typst file:

#import "@preview/stellar-iac:0.4.1": project

The project function exported by this template has the following named arguments:

  • paper-code (default: ""): The paper code of the manuscript.
  • title (default: ""): The title of the manuscript.
  • authors (default: ()): The authors of the manuscript. Each item in the array should be a dictionary with the following keys:
    • name (required): The name of the author.
    • email (required): The email address of the author.
    • affiliation (required): The affiliation of the author. The value must match one of the affiliation names defined in the organizations argument.
    • corresponding (default: false): Whether the author is the corresponding author.
  • organizations (default: ()): The organizations of the authors. Each item in the array should be a dictionary with the following keys:
    • name (required): The name of the organization. This name should be used in the affiliation field of the authors argument.
    • display (required): The display name of the organization, including its address.
  • keywords (default: ()): The keywords of the manuscript.
  • header (default: []): The header of the manuscript. For IAC 2024, it should be [75#super[th] International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milan, Italy, 14-18 October 2024.\ Copyright #{sym.copyright}2024 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.].
  • abstract (default: ""): The abstract of the manuscript.

See main.typ for more details.

Notable differences from the official template

  • The citation style is not exactly the same as the official template. This could be fixed by manually preparing a CSL file, but it is “good enough.”

Directory Structure and Licensing

  • The lib.typ file and all other files in this package, except for the content in the template directory, are licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE-MIT.txt for details.

  • The content in the template directory is licensed under the MIT-0 License, which allows for unlimited reuse without any restrictions. See LICENSE-MIT-0.txt for more information.

  • The reproduction directory is included in this repository to demonstrate how the Typst template in lib.typ can be used to reproduce a layout similar to the original MS Word template copyrighted by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). This content is not part of the distributed package and is provided here solely for demonstration purposes. It is not licensed for use, modification, or distribution without permission from the copyright holder.