Create project in app Simple and easy way to write ABNT-compliant articles
Quick Start
#import "@preview/min-article:0.1.0": article
#show: article.with(
title: "Main Title",
subtitle: "Complementary subtitle",
foreign-title: "Título Principal",
foreign-subtitle: "Subtítulo complementar",
authors: (
("Main Author", "PhD in Procrastination, etc."),
("Main Collaborator", "Degree in Doing Nothing, etc."),
("Collaborator", "Procrastination Student, etc.")
lang-foreign: "pt"
Generate authentic, structured, and standardized articles, compliant with the requirements of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT, in Portuguese). The main advantage of this package, apart from the ABNT standard, is being able to manage, all by itself, almost all the mind-frying document structure and its rules: just input the data anywhere and min-article will find where it belongs, and will put it there.