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A paper template made for the French national conference ORASIS.

The template was made following the official author guidelines, while looking as close as possible like the official LaTeX template. This should also work for the RFIAP and CAP conferences.


This package is meant to be used as a starting template, with the included template/main.typ.

However, you can also import the template using the following line:

#import "@preview/sunny-orasis:0.1.1": orasis

and then create the document in your main file:

#show: orasis.with(
  title: "Mon merveilleux article pour ORASIS",
  authors: (
    (name: "M. Oimême", affiliation: "1"),
    (name: "M. Oncopain", affiliation: "2"),
  affiliations: ("Mon Institut", "Son Institut"),
  emails: ("Mon adresse électronique",),
  abstract_fr: [
    Ceci est mon résumé pour les journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur (ORASIS). Il doit occuper une dizaine de lignes.
  keywords_fr: [Exemple type, format, modèle.],
  abstract_en: [
    This is the English version of the abstract. Exactly as in French it must be short. It must exhibit the same content...
  keywords_en: [Example, model, template.],

  document-fonts: ("Times-Roman", "TeX Gyre Termes",), // la seconde police est une alternative libre et preque identique à Times-Roman)

And that’s it ! You can then simply type your paragraphs using the classic Typst syntax for headings etc.


This template was tested with Typst 0.12.0

Going further

If you want to make deeper changes, specifically to the Title and Authors formatting, I strongly recommand to copy the entire template yourself, instead of importing it. Doing it this way, you will still have access to the lib.typ file, allowing you to change anything to your liking.