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template Typst web app to generate GQE slides

🧑‍💻 Usage

  • Directly from Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for gqe-lemoulon-presentation.

  • With CLI:

typst init @preview/gqe-lemoulon-presentation:{version}


gqe-lemoulon-presentation is based on touying package. The documentation is available here.

It extends Touying with builtin functions pave, tableau, tableaum, image-legende.

You can configure your own colors to modify the theme.

The theme comes with predefined logo, but you can change it using the config-info dictionnary entry logo and use your own image.


uses showybox to display boxes using your touying config-colors settings.

#pave("Scientific projects and hardware")[
- High throughput
- Metaproteomics
- Instrument improvements


uses customized typst table function to display tables using your touying config-colors settings.

#tableau(columns: 3,
  [Hydrochloric Acid],
  [12.0], [92.1],
  [Sodium Myreth Sulfate],
  [16.6], [104],
  [Potassium Hydroxide],
  table.cell(colspan: 2)[24.7],


uses tablem typst to display tables from a markdown syntax, using your touying config-colors settings.

#tableaum(columns: 3)[
  | *Hydrochloric Acid* | *Sodium Myreth Sulfate* | *Potassium Hydroxide* |
  | ------ | ---------- | ---------- |
  | 12.0 | 16.6 | 24.7 |
  | 92.1 | 104 | 24.7 |


display a block stacking together an image and a legend

#image-legende(image: image("./fig/gqe/06_human_height.png"), width: 85%, [Distribution of student's height in a brittish university])


gqe-lemoulon-presentation comes with predefined colors, but you can use the touying config-colors dictionnary to define your own. See the typst color documentation to select a color.

The code below will use “blue” as dominant color and “red” when using touying alert function. The dictionnary must be placed as an argument to start a new document, see below.

  primary: blue
  alert: red

predefined logo

Common used logos of institutions in our lab are predefined in typst variables.

Typst variable Institution
logo-agroparistech AgroParisTech
logo-cnrs CNRS
logo-cnrs-biologie CNRS - Biologie
logo-ideev IDEEV
logo-inrae INRAE
logo-pappso PAPPSO
logo-gqe GQE - Le Moulon
logo-upsay Université Paris Saclay
logo-upsay-fac-sciences Université Paris Saclay - Faculté des Sciences

Local installation

Install Rust and Typst (Linux)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

and then install Typst

cargo install typst-cli

Start a new document

#import "@preview/gqe-lemoulon-presentation:0.0.5":*
#import themes.gqe: *

#show: gqe-lemoulon-presentation-theme.with(
  aspect-ratio: "4-3",
    title: [your presentation title],
    subtitle: [your subtitle],
    author: [John Doe],
    date: [20 decembre 2024],
    logo: logo-pappso,
    brochette: grid(columns: (30%, 25%,20%,20%),{
		set align(horizon + center)
		set image(height: 25pt)
		set align(horizon + center)
		set image(height: 20pt)
		set align(horizon + center)
		set image(height: 30pt)
    primary: blue

#set text(font: "PT Sans", weight: "light", size: 24pt)


📝 License

This is GPLv3 licensed.