Create project in app

This is a typst adaptation of LaTeX’s moderncv, a modern curriculum vitae class.


This template uses FontAwesome icons via the fontawesome typst package. In order to properly use it, you need to have fontawesome installed on your system or have typst configured (via --font-path) to use the fontawesome font files. You can download fontawesome here.


#import "@preview/moderner-cv:0.1.0": *

#show: moderner-cv.with(
  name: "Jane Doe",
  lang: "en",
  social: (
    email: "jane.doe@example.com",
    github: "jane-doe",
    linkedin: "jane-doe",

// ...


Jane Doe's CV

Building and Testing Locally

To build and test the template locally, you can run pixi run watch in the root of this repository. Please ensure to have linked this package to your local typst packages, see here:

# linux
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/typst/packages/preview/moderner-cv
ln -s $(pwd) ~/.local/share/typst/packages/preview/moderner-cv/0.1.0

# macos
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/typst/packages/preview/moderner-cv
ln -s $(pwd) ~/Library/Application\ Support/typst/packages/preview/moderner-cv/0.1.0