Create project in app

Excellently type-set a cute little zine about your favorite topic!

Providing your eight pages in order will produce a US-Letter page with the content in a layout ready to be folded into a zine! The content is wrapped before movement so that padding and alignment are respected.

Here is the template and its preview:

#import "@preview/zen-zine:0.1.0": zine

#set document(author: "Tom", title: "Zen Zine Example")
#set text(font: "Linux Libertine", lang: "en")

#let my_eight_pages = (
    number => [
      #pad(2em, text(10em, align(center, str(number))))

// provide your content pages in order and they
// are placed into the zine template positions.
// the content is wrapped before movement so that
// padding and alignment are respected.
  // draw_border: true,
  // zine_page_margin: 5pt,
  contents: my_eight_pages

Image of Template

Improvement Ideas

Roughly in order of priority.

  • Write documentation and generate a manual
  • Deduce page properties so that user can change the page they wish to use.
    • Make sure the page is flipped and deduce the zine page width and height from the full page width and height (and the zine margin)
    • I’m currently struggling with finding out the page properties (what’s the #get equivalent to #set?)
  • Add other zine sizes (there is a 16 page one I believe?)
  • Digital mode where zine pages are separate pages (of the same size) rather than ‘sub pages’ of a printer page