Small wrapper around the titlecase library to convert text to title case. It follows the rules defined by John Gruber. For more details, refer to the library.
applies a show rule, that by default transforms every string of at least four characters. This limit can be changed with the limit
parameter. Especially with equations, the results can be a bit unpredictable, so proceed with care.
#import "@preview/titleize:0.1.1": titlecase
#for s in (
"Being productive on linux",
"Finding an alternative to Mac OS X — part 2",
[an example with small words and sub-phrases: "the example"],
) [
#s => #titlecase(s) \
#let debug-print(x) = {
if type(x) == content {
let fields = x.fields()
let func = x.func()
#for (k, v) in fields [
- #k: #debug-print(v)
} else {
if type(x) == array [
#for y in x [
- #debug-print(y)
] else [
#repr(type(x)) (#repr(x))
#show: titlecase
= This is a test, even with math $a = b + c$
In math, text can appear in various places:
a_"for example in a subscript" &= "or in a longer text" \
f(x) &= sin(x)