
The socialhub-fa package is designed to help you create your curriculum vitae (CV). It allows you to easily reference your social media profiles with the typical icon of the service plus a link to your profile.


  • Support for popular social media, developer and career platforms
  • Uniform design for all entries
  • Based on the Internet’s icon library Font Awesome
  • Easy to use
  • Allows the customization of the look (extra args are passed to text)

Fonts Installation


  1. Download Font Awesome for Desktop
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Switch into the otfs folder within the unzipped folder
  4. Run mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
  5. Run install -m644 'Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf' /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
  6. Unfortunately not all brands are included in the brands font file, so you must also run install -m644 'Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular-400.otf' /usr/share/fonts/truetype/


Using Typst’s package manager

You can install the library using the typst packages:

#import "@preview/socialhub-fa:1.0.0": *

Install manually

Put the socialhub-fa.typ file in your project directory and import it:

#import "socialhub-fa.typ": *

Minimal Example

// #import "@preview/socialhub-fa:1.0.0": github-info, gitlab-info
#import "socialhub-fa.typ": github-info, gitlab-info

This project was created by #github-info("Bi0T1N"). You can also find me on #gitlab-info("GitLab", rgb("#811052"), url: "https://gitlab.com/Bi0T1N").


See the examples.typ file for a complete example. The generated PDF files are also available for preview.


Icons are not displayed correctly

Make sure that you have installed the required Font Awesome ligature-based font files.


Feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you find any problems or have any suggestions.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to use it in your project.