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With Quick Minutes you can record any meeting event by just typing it out. No function calls needed!


Import & Initialisation

#import "@preview/quick-minutes:1.2.1": *

#show: minutes.with(
  chairperson: "Name 1",
  secretary: "Name 2",
  date: auto,
  body-name: "Organisation",
  event-name: "Event",
  present: (
    "Name 1",
    "Name 2",
    "Name 3",
    "Name 4",




name explaination default type
body-name Name of the body holding the recorded meeting none string
event-name Name of the meeting none string
date Date of the meeting (auto for current date, datetime for formatted date) none string, auto, datetime
present List with names of people present at the meeting () list
not-voting List with names of people present, but without right to vote (they will not be counted in the present totals) () list
chairperson Name of the person chairing the meeting
Can be a list of people
none string, list(string)
secretary Name of the person taking minutes
Can be a list of people
none string, list(string)
awareness Name of the person responsible for awareness
Can be a list of people
none string, list(string)
translation Name of the person responsible for translating
Can be a list of people
none string, list(string)
cosigner Position of the Person signing the protocol, should they differ from the chairperson none string
cosigner-name Name of the person signing the protocol, should they differ from the chairperson none string
logo Logo of the body holding the meeting none image
custom-header Custom Header

(date, body-name, event-name, translate)

Set to none for empty header
auto function(content, content, content, function(string, ..string)), auto
custom-footer Custom Footer

(current-page, page-count, translate)

Set to none for empty footer

Is called inside of context
auto function(int, int, function(string, ..string)), auto
custom-background Custom Background


Set to none for empty background
auto function(bool), auto
custom-head-section Custom Head Section

(chairperson, secretary, awareness, translation, present, present-count, start-time, end-time, translate, four-digits-to-time)

Set to none for empty head section

Handle start-time & end-time like this:
let start-time = start-time.final()
if (start-time != none) [*#translate(“START”)*: #four-digits-to-time(start-time)\ ]
auto function(content, content, content/none, content/none, content, int/none, state, state, function(string, ..string), function(string)), auto
custom-name-format Formatting of names in the document
(first-name, last-name, numbered) => [
 #if (numbered) [#first-name #last-name] else [
  #if (last-name != none) [#last-name, ]#first-name]
function(string, string, bool)
custom-name-style Style of names in the document
(name) => [name]
item-numbering Numbering of items. Reverts to DEFAULT_ITEM_NUMBERING if none. none function(..int)
time-format Datetime format string for times taken. Reverts to DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT if none. none string
date-format Datetime format string for the date of the event. Reverts to DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT if none. none string
timestamp-margin Size of gutter between timestamps and text 10pt length
(static (pt, cm …) recommended)
line-numbering none for no line numbering, int for every xth line numbered 5 int
fancy-decisions Draws a diagram underneath decisions false bool
fancy-dialogue Splits dialogue up into paragraphs false bool
hole-mark Draws a mark for the alignment of a hole punch true bool
separator-lines Draws lines next to the titles true bool
signing Do people have to sign this document? true bool
title-page Should the actual protocol start after a pagebreak? false bool
number-present Should the number of people present be shown? false bool
show-arrival-time Should the time of arrival be schown in the list of people present? true bool
locale language of the document "en" string
translation-overrides Translation Overrides (:) dictionary
custom-royalty-connectors Additional list of surname beginnings like “von”.
Already recognises “von”, “von der” & “de”
() list
display-all-warnings Shows all warnings directly beneath their occurence false bool
hide-warnings Hides all warnings false bool
warning-color Color warnings are displayed in red color
enable-help-text Should a help/debug text with state info be shown? false bool


name format description
Marks the arrival of someone
+: Come back from pause etc.
++: Arrive at event

Time is optional
Marks the departure of someone.
-: Leave into pause etc.
–: Leave event

Time is optional
Time the following text
Mark Name
Marks following name
Vote on something (described in text)

/<vote> can be repeated as many times as needed (min. 2)
3 unnamed & uncolored votes will result in a “For” (green), “Against” (red), “Abstain” (blue) vote

If you want to use / inside of a label or the text, you can use -/ to escape into a normal /

Time is optional
<name>: <text>
Marks that someone is speaking

Can be escaped with a - (<name>-:) to avoid restructuring
End of the meeting.

Replace <time> with "end" if you dont want to set a time


name format example
First Party|green42
Third choice22
<time> 1-4 numbers 1312 -> 01:12 pm
650 -> 06:50 pm
21-> last timed hour:21 (pm/am)
4-> last timed hour:04 (pm/am)
<name> Name in various formats Last Name, First Name
First Name Last Name
First Name
Last Name
First Name L
F Last Name

Last name can also start with a royalty connector like “de” or “von”

Name 1,Name 2 will render with the number after the name, but the number is handled as a last name.

If you just want your name formatted by custom-name-style you can escape the restructuring process with a - (/-<name>).