
中文字号的号数制及字体度量单位。 Chinese size system (hào-system) and type-related measurements units.

#import "@preview/pointless-size:0.1.0": zh, zihao

#set text(size: zh(5)) // 五号(10.5pt)
// or
#set text(zh(5))
#show: zihao(5)

// 小号用负数表示 use negative numbers for small sizes 
#zh(-4) // 小四(12pt)
#zh(1) // 一号(26pt)
#zh(-1) // 小一(24pt)
#zh("-0") // 小初(36pt)
#zh(0) // 初号(42pt)

字号没有统一规定,本包默认与 CTeX、MS Word、WPS、Adobe 的中文规则一致。 Chinese size systems were not standardized. By default, this package is consistent with Chinese rules of CTeX, MS Word, WPS, Adobe.

如想覆盖定义:If you want to override:

#import "@preview/pointless-size:0.1.0": zh as _zh

#let zh = _zh.with(overrides: ((7, 5.25pt),))

#assert.eq(_zh(7), 5.5pt)
#assert.eq(zh(7), 5.25pt)

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  • ✅ = 一致 consistent
  • 👪 = 与描述的规则之一一致 consistent with one of the described rules
  • 🚸 = 不完全一致 not fully consistent