中文字号的号数制及字体度量单位。 Chinese size system (hào-system) and type-related measurements units.
#import "@preview/pointless-size:0.1.1": zh, zihao
#set text(size: zh(5)) // 五号(10.5pt)
// or
#set text(zh(5))
#show: zihao(5)
// 小号用负数表示 use negative numbers for small sizes
#zh(-4) // 小四(12pt)
#zh(1) // 一号(26pt)
#zh(-1) // 小一(24pt)
#zh("-0") // 小初(36pt)
#zh(0) // 初号(42pt)
// 写汉字也可以 Han characters are also acceptable
覆盖定义 Override
字号没有统一规定,本包默认与 CTeX、MS Word、WPS、Adobe 的中文规则一致。 Chinese size systems were not standardized. By default, this package is consistent with Chinese rules of CTeX, MS Word, WPS, Adobe.
如想覆盖定义:If you want to override:
#import "@preview/pointless-size:0.1.1": zh as _zh
#let zh = _zh.with(overrides: ((7, 5.25pt),))
#assert.eq(_zh(7), 5.5pt)
#assert.eq(zh(7), 5.25pt)