An unofficial, flat-design Typst template for Paris-Saclay University theses
About the name
is the name of the GitHub repo,paris-saclay-thesis-flat
is the name of the Typst template- The Typst template name does not contain
, because it is redundant^typst_template_naming - The Typst template name is not just
, because it is not an official template^typst_template_naming. I got rid of the ugly white gradients in the vertical banner, so here is a flat-design version (was accepted by the university library for my thesis).
You can use this template in the Typst web app by clicking “Start from template” on the dashboard and searching for paris-saclay-thesis-flat
Alternatively, you can use the CLI to kick this project off using the command:
typst init @preview/paris-saclay-thesis-flat
cd paris-saclay-thesis-flat
Then download the Segoe UI This font, e.g. from here, and place the .ttf files e.g. in a fonts/
If you use the CLI, you must tell the binary where to look for additional fonts with the --font-path
typst watch main.typ --font-path fonts
And if you use VS Code and tinymist, set ["${workspaceFolder}/fonts"]
for tinymist.fontPaths
in VS Code settings.
In the web app, project fonts are automatically discovered.
This template exports the paris-saclay-thesis
function with the following named arguments:
: Name of the PhD candidate [type: content]title-fr
: Thesis title in French [content]title-en
: Translated thesis title, in English [content]keywords-fr
: Keywords of the thesis subject, in French [strings array]keywords-en
: Translated keywords of the thesis subject, in English [strings array]abstract-fr
: Abstract of the thesis, in French [content]abstract-en
: Translated abstract of the thesis, in English [content]NNT
: National thesis number [content]doctoral-school
: Line mentioning the doctoral school [content]doctoral-school-code
: Short code of the doctoral school (usually the acronym) to fetch the right logo [string]specialty
: Line mentioning the specialty [content]graduate-school
: Line mentioning the graduate school [content]university-component
: Line mentioning the university component (“référent”) [content]research-unit-and-advisors
: Paragraph mentioning the research unit and the PhD advisors [content]defense-date
: Date of the PhD defense [content]thesis-examiners
: List of thesis examiners [array of dictionaries, each with aname
field, of type content]
Some spacings are adjustable, see src/lib.typ
for the complete list of arguments.
The template will initialize your package with a sample call to the paris-saclay-thesis
function in a show rule. If you want to change an existing project to use this template, you can add a show rule like this at the top of your file:
#import "@preview/paris-saclay-thesis-flat:1.0.2": paris-saclay-thesis
#show: paris-saclay-thesis.with(
candidate-name: [Frodon Sacquet],
title-fr: [Propriétés et conséquences psychiques, magiques et géopoliques du métal Au lorsque forgé en Anneau Unique],
title-en: [Properties and psychic, magical and geopolitical consequences of Au metal when forged into the One Ring],
keywords-fr: ("Or", "montagne du Destin", "Magie occulte"),
keywords-en: ("Gold","Mount Doom", "Occult magic"),
abstract-fr: lorem(200),
abstract-en: lorem(200),
NNT: [1955UPASX000],
doctoral-school: [École doctorale n°573 : INTERFACES - approches interdisciplinaires,\ fondements, applications et innovation],
doctoral-school-code: "INTERFACES",
specialty: [Spécialité de doctorat : Sciences des matériaux],
graduate-school: [Graduate School : Physique],
university-component: [Référent : Faculté des sciences d'Orsay],
research-unit-and-advisors: [
Thèse préparée dans l'unité de recherche *Fondcombe*,\ sous la direction d'*Elrond*, seigneur de Fondcombe,\
et l'encadrement de *Gandalf*, magicien de l'ordre des Istari.
defense-date: [20 octobre 1955],
thesis-examiners: (
name: [*Aragorn*],
title: [Roi du Gondor],
status: [Président]
name: [*Legolas*],
title: [Prince des Elfes Sylvains],
status: [Rapporteur &\ Examinateur]
name: [*Gimli*],
title: [Guerrier du royaume d'Erebor],
status: [Rapporteur &\ Examinateur]
name: [*Faramir*],
title: [Intendant du Gondor],
status: [Examinateur]
// Your content goes below.
- Official MS Word & LaTeX templates from the Paris-Saclay University