
Add layers, toggle them using tags easily

Getting Started

Here is a short snippet of the package in action:

#import "@preview/lasagna:0.1.0": *
#let layer = view-layer(tags: ("shown"))

This is always shown
    This is hidden
        But this is shown
#layer(("shown", "another-tag"))[
    You can also assign multiple tags, as long as 1 tag matches it will be shown


Here are some examples on how this package can be utilized.

Questions with/without answers

#let layer = view-layer(tags: (
    // use comments to toggle the layers
    // "ans",

Question 1: What is 2+2?

Wrap other tools

(Using big todo as an example)

#import "@preview/big-todo:0.2.0": todo
#let layer = view-layer(tags: (
#let old-todo = todo
#let todo(..args) = layer("todo", old-todo(..args))