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fletcher (noun) a maker of arrows

A Typst package for drawing diagrams with arrows, built on top of CeTZ. See the manual for documentation.

#import "@preview/fletcher:0.5.3" as fletcher: diagram, node, edge
#diagram(cell-size: 15mm, $
  G edge(f, ->) edge("d", pi, ->>) & im(f) \
  G slash ker(f) edge("ur", tilde(f), "hook-->")
// https://xkcd.com/1195/
#import fletcher.shapes: diamond
#set text(font: "Comic Neue", weight: 600)

  node-stroke: 1pt,
  edge-stroke: 1pt,
  node((0,0), [Start], corner-radius: 2pt, extrude: (0, 3)),
  node((0,1), align(center)[
    Hey, wait,\ this flowchart\ is a trap!
  ], shape: diamond),
  edge("d,r,u,l", "-|>", [Yes], label-pos: 0.1)
#set text(10pt)
  node-stroke: .1em,
  node-fill: gradient.radial(blue.lighten(80%), blue, center: (30%, 20%), radius: 80%),
  spacing: 4em,
  edge((-1,0), "r", "-|>", `open(path)`, label-pos: 0, label-side: center),
  node((0,0), `reading`, radius: 2em),
  edge(`read()`, "-|>"),
  node((1,0), `eof`, radius: 2em),
  edge(`close()`, "-|>"),
  node((2,0), `closed`, radius: 2em, extrude: (-2.5, 0)),
  edge((0,0), (0,0), `read()`, "--|>", bend: 130deg),
  edge((0,0), (2,0), `close()`, "-|>", bend: -40deg),
  e^- edge("rd", "-<|-") & & & edge("ld", "-|>-") e^+ \
  & edge(gamma, "wave") \
  e^+ edge("ru", "-|>-") & & & edge("lu", "-<|-") e^- \

Pull requests are most welcome!

Change log


  • Support CeTZ anchors in edge coordinates, e.g., edge(<a.east>, ..).
  • Fix crash when stroke: none set on polyline edges (#60, @SillyFreak).
  • Fix bug with crossing edges in math mode (#54).
  • Fix bug with diagram sizes for some axes options (#62).


  • Require typst version >=0.12.0.
  • Update cetz dependency to 0.3.1. Note: This may slightly change edge label positions.
  • Add loop-angle option to edge() (#36).


  • Fix nodes which enclose absolute coordinates.
  • Allow CeTZ-style coordinate expressions in node enclose option.
  • Fix crash with polar coordinates.
  • Fix edges which bend at 0deg or 180deg (e.g., edge("r,r") or edge("r,l")) and enhance the way the corner radius adapts to the bend angle. Note: This may change diagram layout from previous versions.
  • Improve error messages.
  • Add marks for crow’s foot notation: n (many), n? (zero or more), n! (one or more), 1 (one), 1? (zero or one), 1! (exactly one).
  • Add node-shape option to diagram().


  • Greatly enhance coordinate system.
    • Support CeTZ-style coordinate expressions (relative, polar, interpolating, named coordinates, etc).
    • Absolute coordinates (physical lengths) can be used alongside “elastic” coordinates (row/column positions).
  • Add label-angle option to edge().
  • Add label-wrapper option to allow changing the label inset, outline stroke, and so on (#26).
  • Add label-size option to control default edge label text size (#35)
  • Add trapezium node shape.
  • Disallow string labels to be passed as positional arguments to edge() (to eliminate ambiguity). Used named argument or pass content instead.


  • Add isosceles triangle node shape (#31).
  • Add fit and dir options to various node shapes to adjust sizing and orientation.
  • Allow more than one consecutive edge to have an implicit end vertex.
  • Allow snap-to to be none to disable edge snapping (#32).


  • Support fully customisable marks/arrowheads!
    • Added new mark styles and tweaked some existing defaults. Note. This may change the micro-typography of diagrams from previous versions.
  • Add node groups via the enclose option of node().
  • Node labels can be aligned inside the node with align().
  • Node labels wrap naturally when label text is wider than the node. Note: This may change diagram layout from previous versions.
  • Add a layer option to nodes and edges to control drawing order.
  • Add node shapes: ellipse, octagon.


  • Fixed edge crossing backgrounds being drawn above nodes (#14).
  • Add fletcher.hide() to hide elements with/without affecting layout, useful for incremental diagrams in slides (#15).
  • Support shifting edges by coordinate deltas as well as absolute lengths (#13).
  • Support node names (#8).


  • Improve edge-to-node snapping. Edges can terminate anywhere near a node (not just at its center) and will automatically snap to the node outline. Added snap-to option to edge().
  • Fix node inset being half the amount specified. If upgrading from previous version, you will need to divide node inset values by two to preserve diagram layout.
  • Add decorations option to edge() for CeTZ path decorations ("wave", "zigzag", and "coil", also accepted as positional string arguments).


  • Support custom node shapes! Edges connect to node outlines automatically.
    • New shapes submodule, containing diamond, pill, parallelogram, hexagon, and other node shapes.
  • Allow edges to have multiple segments.
    • Add vertices an corner-radius options to edge().
    • Relative coordinate shorthands may be comma separated to signify multiple segments, e.g., "r,u,ll".
  • Add dodge option to edge() to adjust end points.
  • Support cetz:0.2.0.


  • Add ability to specify diagrams in math-mode, using & to separate nodes.
  • Allow implicit and relative edge coordinates, e.g., edge("d") becomes edge(prev-node, (0, 1)).
  • Add ability to place marks anywhere along an edge. Shorthands now accept an optional middle mark, for example |->-| and hook-/->>.
  • Add “hanging tail” correction to marks on curved edges. Marks now rotate a bit to fit more comfortably along tightly curving arcs.
  • Add more arrowheads for the sake of it: }>, <{, /, \, x, X, * (solid dot), @ (solid circle).
  • Add axes option to diagram() to control the direction of each axis in the diagram’s coordinate system.
  • Add width, height and radius options to node() for explicit control over size.
  • Add corner-radius option to node().
  • Add stroke option to edge() replacing thickness and paint options.
  • Add edge-stroke option to diagram() replacing edge-thickness.


  • Make round-style arrow heads better approximate the default math font.
  • Add solid arrow heads with shorthand <|-, -|> and double-bar ||-, -||.
  • Add an extrude option to node() which duplicates and extrudes the node’s stroke, enabling double stroke effects.


  • Experimental support for customising arrowheads.
  • Add right-angled edges with edge(..., corner: left/right).

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