
diverential is a Typst package simplifying the typesetting of differentials. It is the equivalent to LaTeX’s diffcoeff, though not as mature.


diverential allows normal, partial, compact, and separated derivatives with smart degree calculations.

#import "@preview/diverential:0.2.0": *

$ dv(f, x, deg: 2, eval: 0) $
$ dvp(f, x, y, eval: 0, evalsym: "[") $
$ dvpc(f, x) $
$ dvps(f, #([x], 2), #([y], [n]), #([z], [m]), eval: 0) $


dv is an ordinary derivative. It takes the function as its first argument and the variable as its second one. A degree can be specified with deg. The derivate can be specified to be evaluated at a point with eval, the brackets of which can be changed with evalsym. space influences the space between derivative and evaluation bracket. Unless defined otherwise, no space is set by default, except for |, where a small gap is introduced.


Same as dv, but separates the function from the derivative.
Example: $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} f $$


Same as dv, but uses a compact derivative.
Example: $$ \mathrm{d}_x f $$


dv is a partial derivative. It takes the function as its first argument and the variable as the rest. For information on eval, evalsym, and space, read the description of dv.
The variable can be one of these options:

  • plain variable, e.g. x
  • list of variables, e.g. x, y
  • list of variables with higher degrees (type (content, integer)), e.g. x, #([y], 2) The degree is smartly calculated: If all degrees of the variables are integers, the total degree is their sum. If some are content, the integer ones are summed (arithmetically) up and added to the visual sum of the content degrees. Example: #([x], n), #([y], 2), z → $\frac{\partial^{n+3}}{\partial x^n,\partial y^2,\partial z}$
    Specifying deg manually is always possible and might be required in more complicated cases.


Same as dvp, but separates the function from the derivative.
Example: $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial x} f $$


Same as dvp, but uses a compact derivative.
Note: If supplying multiple variables, deg is ignored.
Example: $$ \partial_x f $$