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easy slides in typst


  • easy delimiter for slides and sections (just use headings)
  • sensible styling
  • dot counter in upper right corner (like LaTeX beamer)
  • adjustable color-theme
  • default show rules for terms, code, lists, … that match color-theme

Example Presentation

Title Slide Section Content (Normal Theme) Content (Full Theme)
Example-Title Example-Section Example-Slide Example-Full-Slide

These example slides and a usage guide are available in the example Folder on GitHub as a .typ file and a compiled PDF (normal Theme, full Theme). The Full Theme more closely resembles a Beamer Theme, while the normal theme is more reduced.


To start a presentation, initialize it in your typst document:

#import "@preview/diatypst:0.2.0": *
#show: slides.with(
  title: "Diatypst", // Required
  subtitle: "easy slides in typst",
  date: "01.07.2024",
  authors: ("John Doe"),

Then, insert your content.

  • Level-one headings corresponds to new sections.
  • Level-two headings corresponds to new slides.
  • or manually create a new slide with a #pagebreak()

= First Section

== First Slide


diatypst is also available on the Typst Universe for easy importing into a project on typst.app


all available Options to initialize the template with

Keyword Description Default
title Title of your Presentation, visible also in footer none but required!
subtitle Subtitle, also visible in footer none
date a normal string presenting your date none
authors either string or array of strings none
layout one of “small”, “medium”, “large”, adjusts sizing of the elements on the slides "medium"
ratio aspect ratio of the slides, e.g 16/9 4/3
title-color Color to base the Elements of the Presentation on blue.darken(50%)
count page counter style, either “dot”, “number”, or none dot
footer whether to display the footer at the bottom true
toc whether to display the table of contents true
footer-title custom text in the footer title (left) same as title
footer-subtitle custom text in the footer subtitle (right) same as subtitle
theme slide theme, either “normal” or “full” normal


This template is also available as a Quarto extension. To use it, add it to your project with the following command:

quarto add skriptum/diatypst/diaquarto

Then, create a qmd file with the following YAML frontmatter:

title: "Untitled"
    layout: medium # small, medium, large
    ratio: 16/9 # any ratio possible
    title-color: "013220" # Any Hex code for the title color (without #)


this template is inspired by slydst, and takes part of the code from it. If you want simpler slides, look here!

The word Diatypst is inspired by the ease of use of a Dia-projektor (German for Slide Projector) and the Diatype