
A crossword-like game written in Typst. You should fill in letters to satisfy regular expression constraints. Currently, squares and regular hexagons are supported.

[!note] This is not a puzzle solver, but a puzzle layout builder.

It takes inspiration from a web image, which derives our standard example.



More examples and source code: https://github.com/QuadnucYard/crossregex-typ

Basic Usage

We use crossregex-square and crossregex-hex to build square and hex layouts respectively. They have the same argument formats. A crossregex dispatcher function can be used for dynamic grid kind, which is compatible with version 0.1.0.

#import "@preview/crossregex:0.2.0": crossregex
// or import and use `crossregex-hex`

  constraints: (
    `A.*`, `B.*`, `C.*`, `D.*`, `E.*`,
    `F.*`, `G.*`, `H.*`, `I.*`, `J.*`,
    `K.*`, `L.*`, `M.*`, `N.*`, `O.*`,
  answer: (
#import "@preview/crossregex:0.2.0": crossregex-square

  alphabet: regex("[0-9]"),
  constraints: (
  answer: (
  cell: rect(width: 1.4em, height: 1.4em, radius: 0.1em, stroke: 1pt + orange, fill: orange.transparentize(80%)),
  cell-config: (size: 1.6em, text-style: (size: 1.4em)),


Details are shown in the doc comments above the crossregex function in lib.typ. You can choose to turn off some views.

Feel free to open issues if any problems.



  • Feature: Supports square shapes.
  • Feature: Supports customization the appearance of everything, even the cells.
  • Feature: Supports custom alphabets.
  • Fix: An mistake related to import in the README example.


First release with basic hex features.