A Typst template for master theses and doctoral dissertations for NTHU (National Tsing Hua University).
Installing the Chinese fonts
This template uses the official fonts from the Ministry of Education of Taiwan (Edukai/TW-MOE-Std-Kai), which are required to be downloaded and installed manually from language.moe.gov.tw. The Typst web app has the fonts installed by default, so there is no need to install the fonts on the web app.
此模板中文部分使用教育部標準楷書字體(Edukai/TW-MOE-Std-Kai),在本地編譯文件前需要自language.moe.gov.tw下載並手動安裝。Typst web app已預裝該字體,故無需額外安裝。
All the content of the thesis are in the thesis.typ
file. In the beginning of thesis.typ
, there is a call to the setup-thesis(info, style)
function that configures the metadata (the titles and the author etc.) and the styling of the thesis document. Replace the values with your own.
檔案內。該檔案前段的部分呼叫了setup-thesis(info, style)
Local usage
$ typst init @preview/canonical-nthu-thesis:0.2.0 my-thesis
$ cd my-thesis
$ typst watch thesis.typ
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This project is licensed under the MIT License.