
A package for encoding and decoding in base64, base32, and base16.


The package comes with three submodules: base64, base32, and base16. All of them have an encode and decode function. The package also provides the function aliases

  • encode64 / decode64,
  • encode32 / decode32, and
  • encode16 / decode16.

Both base64 and base32 allow you to choose whether to use padding or not (pad parameter). It is enabled by default. Base64 also allows you to encode with the URL-safe alphabet (url parameter), while base32 allows you to encode or decode with the “extended hex” alphabet (hex parameter). Both options are disabled by default. The base16 encoder uses lowercase letters, the decoder is case-insensitive.

You can encode strings, arrays and bytes. The encode function will return a string, while the decode function will return bytes.

#import "@preview/based:0.1.0": base64, base32, base16

  columns: 3,

  raw(base64.encode("Hello world!")),
  raw(base32.encode("Hello world!")),
  raw(base16.encode("Hello world!")),


Result of example code.