

To start off, create a .typ file that will hold your vault. Let’s call it vault.typ.

#import "@preview/basalt-lib:1.0.0": new-vault, xlink, as-branch

#let vault = new-vault(
  note-paths: (),
  include-from-vault: path => include path,

Due to current limitations in the way Typst handles paths and includes, we must manually specify the path for every note in our vault, as well as provide a function that Basalt can use to include files from the vault.

Now, we can create a note file. Let’s call it note1.typ. Also, add the file’s path to vault.typ.

#import "vault.typ": *
#show: vault.new-note.with(
  name: "note1",

Insightful note content...
#import "@preview/basalt-lib:1.0.0": new-vault, xlink, as-branch

#let vault = new-vault(
  note-paths: (
  include-from-vault: path => include path,

Note that the name: "note1" argument to new-note. name is completely arbitrary, but this is how you attach metadata to a note which Basalt can see. You could choose to attach any metadata you want: creation-date, category, uuid, etc.

You can compile and view note.typ now, and it will look about as expected. All we’ve really done so far is write a bunch of extra code to display one file.


Let’s add a second note, call it note2.typ. Remember to add it to vault.typ, but I’ll omit that for brevity.

#import "vault.typ": *
#show: vault.new-note.with(
  name: "note2",

Here I can #xlink(name: "note1")[link] to other notes.

Compiling this note gives you a clickable link to the pdf of note1. In this way, you can have single notes that can link to each other based on their defined metadata, rather than their paths which may change.

Outsourcing note-paths

To make it easier to track your notes, you may want to change how the note-paths are added to your vault.

#import "@preview/basalt-lib:1.0.0": new-vault, xlink, as-branch

#let vault = new-vault(
  note-paths: csv("note-paths.csv").flatten(),
  include-from-vault: path => include path,

and in note-paths.csv


This csv is much easier to generate or manage automatically with external tools or scripts.


Rather than applying formatting rules to each note individually, creating tons of redundancy and reducing composability, you can define vault-wide formatters.

#import "@preview/basalt-lib:1.0.0": new-vault, xlink, as-branch

#let vault = new-vault(
  note-paths: csv("note-paths.csv").flatten(),
  include-from-vault: path => include path,
  formatters: (
    (body, ..sink) => {
      set text(12pt)

These formatters are passed in 3 arguments:

  • body contains the note content.
  • meta contains the arguments given to new-note.
  • root is a boolean that indicates whether the note being formatted right now is the top-level note (the root), or whether it is being included in another note (as a branch).

You can use meta and root to determine what formatting rules are appropriate for a given note. For example, you likely won’t want to affect document layout if the current note is a branch being included in another note.

#import "@preview/basalt-lib:1.0.0": new-vault, xlink, as-branch

#let vault = new-vault(
  note-paths: csv("note-paths.csv").flatten(),
  include-from-vault: path => include path,
  formatters: (
    (body, ..rest) => {
      set text(12pt)
    (body, root: true, ..rest) => {
      if not root {
        return body

      set page("us-letter")
    (body, meta: (kind: "split"), ..rest) => {
      if not meta.keys().contains("kind") {
        return body
      if meta.kind != "split" {
        return body

      set page(flipped: true, columns: 2)

These formatters will automatically be applied to your notes, but remember to recompile to see the effects.

Including other notes

Sometimes you may want to include a note inline. However, doing this directly with include could cause problems as the included note will be formatted as a root note. To solve this, just convert the included note to a branch. Branches are formatted with root=false.

#import "vault.typ": *
#show: vault.new-note.with(
  name: "compilation",

= Compilation

#as-branch(include "note1.typ")
#as-branch(include "note2.typ")

Note also that any xlinks to notes included in the current document will automatically become in-document links rather than cross-document links! This means that you can click on them and be taken to the start of the included note rather than opening its separate pdf file.