
This typst packages allows you to simply mark the end and start of your front matter and back matter to change style and value of your page number without manually setting and keeping track of inner and outer page counters.


#import "@preview/anti-matter:0.1.1": anti-matter, fence, set-numbering

#set page("a4", height: auto)
#show heading.where(level: 1): it => pagebreak(weak: true) + it

#show: anti-matter

#align(center)[My Title Page]

#include "front-matter.typ"

#include "chapters.typ"

#include "back-matter.typ"

An example outline showing the outer Roman numbering interrupted by temporary inner Arabic


  • Marking the start and end of front/back matter.
  • Specifying the numbering styles for each part fo the document


  1. Why are the pages not correctly counted?
    • If you are setting your own page header, you must use step, see section II in the manual.
  2. Why is my outline not displaying the correct numbering?
    • If you configure your own outline.entry, you must use page-number, see section II in the manual.
  3. Why does my front/inner/back matter numbering start on the wrong page?
    • The fences must be on the last page of their respective part, if you have a pagebreak forcing them on the next page it will also incorrectly label that page.
    • Otherwise please open an issue with a minimal reproducible example.


The package name anti-matter was choosen as a word play on front/back matter.


  • front matter - The first part of a thesis or book (intro, outline, etc.)
  • back matter - The last part of a thesis or book (bibliography, listings, acknowledgements, etc.)