
zhconv-typst converts Chinese text between Traditional, Simplified and regional variants in typst, utilizing zhconv-rs.


To use the zhconv plugin in your Typst project, import it as follows:

#import "@preview/zhconv:0.3.1": zhconv

Text Conversion

The primary function provided by this package is zhconv, which converts strings or nested contents to a target Chinese variant.

#zhconv(content, "target-variant", wikitext: false)
  • content: The text or content to be converted.
  • target-variant: The target Chinese variant (e.g., "zh-hant" , "zh-hans", "zh-cn", "zh-tw", "zh-hk").
  • wikitext: An optional boolean flag to specify if the text should be processed as wikitext (default is false).


Convert a string
#let text = "互联网"
Original: #text
- #emph([zh-HK]): #zhconv(text, "zh-hk")
- #emph([zh-TW]): #zhconv(text, "zh-tw")
Convert nested contents
柳外輕雷池上雨 \
雨聲滴碎荷聲 \

小樓西角斷虹明 \
闌干倚處 \
待得月華生 \
], "zh-hans")