
serialize the Typst objects into bytes and deserialize the bytes into Typst objects


I want to interactive between the wasm and typst. But I found that the input arguments and output argument are all bytes. It is not convenient for me to use WASM. So I designed the serialization protocol and implemented this serialization module for reference.

Although there have been some serialization APIs like cbor, yaml, json and others, this is a good learning material and a good example to show the abilities of Typst.


Have a look at the example here.


Simply import 2 functions : serialize, deserialize.

And enjoy it

#import "@preview/yats:0.1.0": serialize, deserialize
  let obj = (
    name : "0warning0error",
    age : 100,
    height : 1.8,
    birthday : datetime(year : 1998,month : 7,day:8)

Supported Types

  • none
  • bool
  • type : type is a type
  • int
  • float : (implemented in string, for convenience)
  • datetime : only support year,month,day ; hour, minute,second; both combined.
  • duration
  • bytes
  • string
  • regex : (dealing with it is a little tricky)
  • array : the element in it can be anything listed.
  • dictionary : the value in it can be anything listed.

Yats function

#let serialize(
  data : any
) = { .. }


  • data: [any] — Any supported object .


The serialized bytes.

#let deserialize(
  data : array
) = { .. }


  • data: [bytes] — serialized objects represented by bytes .


binary array. (the first one is the object deserialized, the second one is the valid length of the bytes)

Potential Problems and limitation

  • Some problem can be caused by changes of repr. For example, the serialization of regex relies on the repr of regex. And there are no method to directly catch the inner string.

  • Because of lack of time, only basic types are supported. But more types can be supported in Typst.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.