
Manual Version Repo

A small Typst package for quick and easy in-document word counts.

Basic usage

#import "@preview/wordometer:0.1.2": word-count, total-words

#show: word-count

In this document, there are #total-words words all up.

#word-count(total => [
  The number of words in this block is #total.words
  and there are #total.characters letters.

Excluding elements

You can exclude elements by name (e.g., "caption"), function (e.g., figure.caption), where-selector (e.g., raw.where(block: true)), or label (e.g., <no-wc>).

#show: word-count.with(exclude: (heading.where(level: 1), strike))

= This Heading Doesn't Count
== But I do!

In this document #strike[(excluding me)], there are #total-words words all up.

#word-count(total => [
  You can exclude elements by label, too.
  #[That was #total.words, excluding this sentence!] <no-wc>
], exclude: <no-wc>)