
A helper library for chaining lambda abstractions, imitating the |> or . operator in some functional languages.


You can import the latest version of this package with:

#import "@preview/weave:0.1.0": pipe, pipe_

Functions suffixed with underscore are flipped and curried version.

Basic usage

To chain functions into one single function, you can write:

#let add8 = pipe_((
  x => x + 5, // first add 5
  x => x + 3, // then add 3

And then apply this to a value, for example.

#let result = add8(10)

This can be particularly useful when you need to destructure lists, as it avoids the need to create binds that’ll pollute the namespace globally.

#let two_and_one = pipe(
  (1, 2),
    ((a, b)) => (a, b, -1), // becomes a list of length three
    ((a, b, _)) => (b, a), // discard the third element and swap
// `a` and `b` are out of scope here

You can also use it for show rules.

#show link: pipe_((
  text.with(fill: blue),

// Is equivalent to (note the order)
#show link: underline
#show link: text.with(fill: blue)
#show link: emph

The function compose is the chain function in the mathematical order.