
A Typst library for Academicons through the desktop fonts.

This is based on the code from duskmoon314 and the package for typst-fontawesome.

p.s. The library is based on the Academicons desktop fonts (v1.9.4)


Install the fonts

You can download the fonts from the official website

After downloading the zip file, you can install the fonts depending on your OS.

Typst web app

You can simply upload the ttf files to the web app and use them with this package.


You can double click the ttf files to install them.


You can right-click the ttf files and select Install.

Import the library

Using the typst packages

You can install the library using the typst packages:

#import "@preview/use-academicons:0.1.0": *

Manually install

Copy all files start with lib to your project and import the library:

#import "lib.typ": *

There are three files:

  • lib.typ: The main entrypoint of the library.
  • lib-impl.typ: The implementation of ai-icon.
  • lib-gen.typ: The generated icon map and functions.

I recommend renaming these files to avoid conflicts with other libraries.

Use the icons

You can use the ai-icon function to create an icon with its name:


Or you can use the ai- prefix to create an icon with its name:

#ai-lattes() (This is equivalent to #ai-icon().with("lattes"))

Full list of icons

You can find all icons on the official website


The ai-icon function passes args to text, so you can customize the icon by passing parameters to it:

#ai-icon("lattes", fill: blue)

Stacking icons

The ai-stack function can be used to create stacked icons:

#ai-stack(ai-icon-args: (fill: black), "doi", ("cv", (fill: blue, size: 20pt)))

Declaration is ai-stack(box-args: (:), grid-args: (:), ai-icon-args: (:), ..icons)

  • The order of the icons is from the bottom to the top.
  • ai-icon-args is used to set the default args for all icons.
  • You can also control the internal box and grid by passing the box-args and grid-args to the ai-stack function.
  • Currently, four types of icons are supported. The first three types leverage the ai-icon function, and the last type is just a content you want to put in the stack.
    • str, e.g., "lattes"
    • array, e.g., ("lattes", (fill: white, size: 5.5pt))
    • arguments, e.g. arguments("lattes", fill: white)
    • content, e.g. ai-lattes(fill: white)


See the use-academicons.typ file for a complete example.


Feel free to open an issue or a pull request if you find any problems or have any suggestions.

R helper

The helper.R script is used to get unicodes for icons and generate typst code.

Repo structure

  • helper.R: The helper script to get unicodes and generate typst code.
  • lib.typ: The main entrypoint of the library.
  • lib-impl.typ: The implementation of ai-icon.
  • lib-gen.typ: The generated functions of icons.
  • example.typ: An example file to show how to use the library.
  • gallery.typ: The generated gallery of icons. It is used in the example file.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to use it in your project.