
The untypsignia is a 3rd-party, unofficial, unendorsed Typst package that exposes commands for rendering, as content texts, some typesetters names in a stylized fashion, emulating their respective insignia, i.e., marks by which they are known.


The package name is a blend of:

  • “un”, from “unofficial”,
  • “typ”, from “Typst”, and
  • “signia”, from “insignia”, which means marks by which anything is known.


The typical use case of untypsignia in Typst is to emulate a given typesetting system’s mark, if available, when referring to them, in sentences like: “This document is typeset in XYZ”, as traditionally done in TeX systems and derivatives thereof.

Currently available insignia emulations include:

  • TeX,
  • LaTeX, and
  • Typst (see below)

Despite there’s no such a thing as a Typst “official” typography, according to this post on Discord, it can be typeset with “whatever font” the surrounding text is being typeset. Moreover, Typst branding page requires capitalization of the initial “T” whenever the name is used in prose. Therefore, the “Typst” support in this package is a mere, still unofficial, implementation of the capitalization of “Typst” in the currently used font.

Font Requirements

For the TeX system and it’s derivatives, the "New Computer Modern" font is required.


The package exposes the following few, parameterless, functions:

  • #texmark(),
  • #latexmark(), and
  • #typstmark().

Except for the #typstmark(), each such command outputs their respective namesake signus emulation, in the document’s current text settings, with the exception of font — meaning text size, color, etc… will apply to the signus emulation.

Aditionally, the signus emulation is produced, as contexts text inside a box — hence not images — so as to avoid hyphenation to take place. This also applies to the #typstmark() function, for lack of specific guidance, and also because “Typst” is a short word.


#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 12pt, fill: rgb("19181f"))
#set par(leading: 1.5em)
#set text(font: "Rouge Script", fill: rgb("80f4b6"))

#import "@preview/untypsignia:0.1.1": *

#let say() = [I prefer #typstmark() over #texmark() or #latexmark().]

#for sz in (20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8) {
  set text(size: sz * 1pt)

This example results in a 1-page document like this one:



This package can be cited with the following bibliography database entry:

  type: Web
  author: Naaktgeboren, C.
    value: "untypsignia: unofficial typesetter's insignia emulations"
  url: https://github.com/cnaak/untypsignia.typ
  version: 0.1.1
  date: 2024-08