
This package ports part of the Unicode Character Database to Typst. Notably, it includes information from UnicodeData.txt and Blocks.txt.


This package defines a single function: codepoint. It lets you get the information related to a specific codepoint. The codepoint can be specified as a string containing a single character, or with its value.

#codepoint("√").name \
#codepoint(sym.times).block.name \


You can display a codepoint in the style of Template:Unichar using the show entry:

#codepoint("¤").show \
#codepoint(sym.copyright).show \
#codepoint(0x1249).show \



Version 0.2.0

  • Codepoints now have an id attribute which is its corresponding “U+xxxx” string.

  • The block attribute of a codepoint now contains a name, a start, and a size.

  • Fix an issue that made some codepoints cause a panic.

  • Include data from NameAlias.txt.

Version 0.1.0

  • Add the codepoint function.