Eliminate unnecessary decorative elements to enhance the audience’s immersion and foster a deeper state of flow.
Inspired by Dewdrop, made by OrangeX4
A Typst template created based on Touying, designed for academic presentations in university settings.
See content/example/main.pdf for a sample PDF output. While the project is already complete, the example content is still under development.
These steps assume that you already have Typst installed and running. If not, please refer to github.com/typst/typst/releases/ for installation instructions.Alternatively, you can use VS Code for editing by installing the Tinymist Typst extension (recommended).
Import from Typst Universe
#import "@preview/touying-flow:1.1.0":*
#show: flow-theme.with(
aspect-ratio: "16-9",
footer: self => self.info.title,
footer-alt: self => self.info.subtitle,
navigation: "mini-slides",
// text-font: ("Libertinus Serif"),
// text-size: 20pt,
// code-font: ("Jetbrains Mono NL","PingFang SC"),
// code-size: 16pt,
title: [Title],
subtitle: [Subtitle],
author: [Quaternijkon],
date: datetime.today(),
institution: [USTC],
= #smallcaps("Slide")
== New slide
Change Log
1.1.0 (2024-12-03)
Increase the adaptability, allowing for more freedom in replacing the materials and resources used within it.