
tiaoma(条码) is a barcode generator for typst. It compiles zint to wasm and use it to generate barcode. It support nearly all common barcode types. For a complete list of supported barcode types, see zint’s documentation.


#import "@preview/tiaoma:0.2.0"
#set page(width: auto, height: auto)

= tiáo mǎ




Please refer to manual for more details.


There are multiple barcode/qrcode libraries for typst such as

  1. https://github.com/jneug/typst-codetastic
  2. https://github.com/Midbin/cades

Here is a comparison of them.

Pros of this package:

  1. Support more barcode types
  2. Might be faster because the zint is written in C and compiled to wasm. These libraries are written in typst and javascript.

Cons of this package:

  1. Doesn’t provide enough customization options although it can be improved in the future.