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An unofficial template to get the look of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) huisstijl in Typst based on this LaTeX template

Getting Started

You can choose “Start from template” in the web app, and search for vub-huisstijl.

If you are running Typst locally, you can use the following command to initialize the template:

typst init @preview/stv-vub-huisstijl:0.1.0


The package makes use of the “TeX Gyre Adventor” font, with “Roboto” as a fallback. These should be installed for the title page to look right. They are available for free, and also come bundled with texlive.


This only provides a template for a thesis title page, not for slides. That can be added in the future.

About the name

St V (Saint Verhaegen) is an important part of the folklore of the VUB and the ULB.