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Typst Template for full documents and reports for the french engineering school INSA.

Table of contents

  1. Examples & Usage
    1. 🧪 TP report
    2. 📚 Internship report
    3. 🗒️ Blank templates
  2. Fonts information
  3. Notes
  4. License
  5. Changelog

Examples & Usage

🧪 TP report


This is the default report for the silky-report-insa package. It uses the insa-report show rule.
It is primarily used for reports of Practical Works (Travaux Pratiques).


#import "@preview/silky-report-insa:0.3.1": *
#show: doc => insa-report(
  id: 3,
  pre-title: "STPI 2",
  title: "Interférences et diffraction",
  authors: [
    *LE JEUNE Youenn*

    *MAUVY Eva*
    Groupe D

    Binôme 5
  date: "11/04/2023",
  insa: "rennes",

= Introduction
Le but de ce TP est d’interpréter les figures de diffraction observées avec différents objets diffractants
et d’en déduire les dimensions de ces objets.

= Partie théorique - Phénomène d'interférence
== Diffraction par une fente double
Lors du passage de la lumière par une fente double de largeur $a$ et de distance $b$ entre les centres
des fentes...


Parameter Description Type Example
id TP number int 1
pre-title Text written before the title str "STPI 2"
title Title of the TP str "Interférences et diffraction"
authors Authors content [\*LE JEUNE Youenn\*]
date Date of the TP datetime/str "11/04/2023"
insa INSA name (rennes, hdf…) str "rennes"
lang Language str "fr"

📚 Internship report


If you want to make an internship report, you will need to use another show rule: insa-stage.


#import "@preview/silky-report-insa:0.3.1": *
#show: doc => insa-stage(
  "Youenn LE JEUNE",
  "Real-time virtual interaction with deformable structure",
  "Sapienza University of Rome",
  "Marilena VENDITELLI",
  "Bertrand COUASNON",
    Résumé du stage en français.
    Summary of the internship in english.
  insa: "rennes",
  lang: "fr",

= Introduction
Présentation de l'entreprise, tout ça tout ça.

= Travail réalisé
== Première partie

== Seconde partie

= Conclusion
Conclusion random

= Annexes

This template can also be used for a report that is written in english: in this case, add the lang: "en" parameter to the function call in the show rule.


Parameter Required Type Description Example
name yes str Name of the student "Youenn LE JEUNE"
department yes str Department of the student "INFO"
year yes str School year during the internship "2023-2024"
title yes str Title of the internship "Real-time virtual interaction with deformable structure"
company yes str Company Sapienza University of Rome
company-logo yes content Logo of the company image("logo-example.png")
company-tutor yes str Tutor in the company "Marilena VENDITELLI"
insa-tutor yes str Tutor at INSA "Bertrand COUASNON",
summary-french yes content Summary in French [ Résumé du stage en français. ]
summary-english yes content Summary in English [ Summary of the internship in english. ]
student-suffix no str Suffix at the end of “ingénieur” in french "e"
thanks-page no content Special thanks page. [ Thanks to my *supervisor*, blah blah blah. ]
omit-outline no bool Whether to skip the outline page or not false
insa no str INSA name (rennes, hdf…) "rennes"
lang no str Language of the template. Some strings are translated. "fr"

🗒️ Blank templates


If you do not want the preformatted output with “TP x”, the title and date in the header, etc. you can simply use the insa-document show rule and customize all by yourself.

Blank template types

The graphic charter provides 3 different document types, that are translated in this Typst template under those names:

  • light, which does not have many color and can be printed easily. Has 3 spots to write on the cover: cover-top-left, cover-middle-left and cover-bottom-right.
  • colored, which is beautiful but consumes a lot of ink to print. Only has 1 spot to write on the cover: cover-top-left.
  • pfe, which is primarily used for internship reports. Has 4 spots to write on both the front and back covers: cover-top-left, cover-middle-left, cover-bottom-right and back-cover.

The document type must be the first argument of the insa-document function.


#import "@preview/silky-report-insa:0.3.1": *
#show: doc => insa-document(
  cover-top-left: [*Document important*],
  cover-middle-left: [
    NOM Prénom

    Département INFO
  cover-bottom-right: "uwu",
  page-header: "En-tête au pif",


Parameter Type Description
cover-type str (REQUIRED) Type of cover. Available are: light, colored, pfe.
cover-top-left content
cover-middle-left content
cover-bottom-right content
back-cover content What to display on the back cover.
page-header content Header of the pages (except the front and back). If none, will display the INSA logo. If not empty, will display the passed content with an underline.
page-footer content Footer of the pages (except the front and back). The page counter will be displayed at the right of the footer, except if the page number is 0.
include-back-cover bool whether to add the back cover or not.
insa str INSA name (rennes, hdf…)
lang str Language of the template. Some strings are translated.
metadata-title content Title of the document that will be embedded in the PDF metadata.
metadata-authors str list Authors that will be embedded in the PDF metadata.
metadata-date datetime Date that will be set as the document creation date. If not specified, will be set to now.


The graphic charter recommends the fonts League Spartan for headings and Source Serif for regular text. To have the best look, you should install those fonts.

You can download the fonts from here.

To behave correctly on computers lacking those specific fonts, this template will automatically fallback to similar ones:

  • League Spartan -> Arial (approved by INSA’s graphic charter, by default in Windows) -> Liberation Sans (by default in most Linux)
  • Source Serif -> Source Serif 4 (downloadable for free) -> Georgia (approved by the graphic charter) -> Linux Libertine (default Typst font)

Note on variable fonts

If you want to install those fonts on your computer, Typst might not recognize them if you install their Variable versions. You should install the static versions (League Spartan Bold and most versions of Source Serif).

Keep an eye on the issue in Typst bug tracker to see when variable fonts will be used!


This template is being developed by Youenn LE JEUNE from the INSA de Rennes in this repository.

For now it includes assets from the INSA de Rennes and INSA Hauts de France graphic charters, but users from other INSAs can open a pull request on the repository with the correct assets for their INSA.

If you have any other feature request, open an issue on the repository.


The typst template is licensed under the MIT license. This does not apply to the image assets. Those image files are property of Groupe INSA and INSA Rennes.



  • Added insa option to all templates
  • Added INSA HdF assets
  • Added student-suffix option to insa-stage
  • Made outline not shown in outline


  • Added omit-outline option to insa-stage
  • Added thanks-page parameter to insa-stage
  • Added metadata-related options to insa-document
  • Made some PDF metadata automatically exported for insa-stage and insa-report
  • Made page number not displayed if equals to 0
  • Adjusted positions of elements in back covers
  • Fixed some translations
  • Updated README to have changelog, visual examples of all documents and parameters table