Scrutinize is a library for building exams, tests, etc. with Typst. It has three general areas of focus:
- It helps with grading information: record the points that can be reached for each question and make them available for creating grading keys.
- It provides a selection of question writing utilities, such as multiple choice or true/false questions.
- It supports the creation of sample solutions by allowing to switch between the normal and “pre-filled” exam.
Right now, providing a styled template is not part of this package’s scope. Also, visual customization of the provided question templates is currently nonexistent.
See the manual for details.
A rendered version of this example can be found in the gallery.
#import "@preview/scrutinize:0.2.0": grading, question, questions
#import question: q
#import questions: free-text-answer, single-choice, multiple-choice, set-solution, unset-solution
// toggle this comment or pass `--input solution=true` to produce a sample solution
// #questions.solution.update(true)
#set table(stroke: 0.5pt)
#context [
#let total =
The candidate achieved #h(3em) out of #total points.
= Instructions
Use a pen. For multiple choice questions, make a cross in the box, such as in this example:
#pad(x: 5%)[
Which of these numbers are prime?
(([1], false), ([2], true), ([3], true), ([4], false), ([5], true)),
#show heading: it => [
#it.body #h(1fr) / #question.current().points
#q(points: 2)[
= Question 1
Write an answer.
#free-text-answer(height: 4cm)[
An answer
#q(points: 1)[
= Question 2
Select the largest number:
([5], [20], [25], [10], [15]),
2, // 0-based index