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This is a TAU thesis template written in the typst typesetting language, a potential successor to LaTeΧ. The version of typst used to test this template is 0.11.1.

Using the template on typst.app

This template is also available on Typst Universe as scholarly-tauthesis. Simply create an account on https://typst.app/ and start a new scholarly-tauthesis project by clicking on Start from template and searching for scholarly-tauthesis.

If you have initialized your project with an older stable version of this template and wish to upgrade to a newer release, the simplest way to do it is to change the value of $VERSION0.4.0 in the import statements

#import "@preview/scholarly-tauthesis:$VERSION" as tauthesis

to correspond to a newer released version. Alternatively, you could download the tauthesis.typ file from the thesis template repository, and upload it into you project on https://typst.app/. Then use

#import "path/to/tauthesis.typ" as tauthesis

instead of

#import "@preview/scholarly-tauthesis:$VERSION" as tauthesis

to import the tauthesis module.

Local installation

If Typst Universe is online, this template will be downloaded automatically to


when one runs the command

typst init @preview/scholarly-tauthesis:$VERSION mythesis

The value $CACHEDIR for your OS can be discovered from https://docs.rs/dirs/latest/dirs/fn.cache_dir.html.

For a manual installation, download the contents of this repository via Git or as a ZIP file from the template tags page. Then, make a symbolic link

$DATADIR/typst/packages/preview/scholarly-tauthesis/$VERSION/ → /path/to/root/of/tauthesis/

so that a local installation of typst can discover the tauthesis.typ file no matter where you are running it from. To find out the value $DATADIR for your operating system, see https://docs.rs/dirs/latest/dirs/fn.data_dir.html. The value $VERSION is the version A.B.C0.4.0 of this template you wish to use.

Once the package has been installed, the command

typst init @preview/scholarly-tauthesis:$VERSION mythesis

creates a folder mythesis with the template files in place. Simply make the mythesis folder you current working directory and run

typst compile main.typ

in the shell of your choice to compile the document from scratch. Alternatively, type

typst watch main.typ &> typst.log &

to have a typst process watch the file for changes and compile it when a file is changed. Possible error messages can then be viewed by checking the contents of the mentioned file typst.log.

This template can also be uploaded to the typst online editor at https://typst.app/. However, the file paths related to the tauthesis file will need to be changed if this is done manually. See the tutorial at https://typst.app/docs/tutorial/ to learn the basics of the language. Some examples are also given in the template itself.

Archiving the final version of your work

Before submitting your thesis to the university archives, it needs to be converted to PDF/A format. See the related instructions (link) for how to do it. Basically it boils down to feeding your compiled PDF document to the converter at https://muuntaja.tuni.fi. Remember to check that the output of the converter is not corrupted, before submitting your thesis to the archives.


You can either write your entire main matter in the main.typ file, or more preferrably, split it into multiple chapter-specific files and place those in the contents/ folder, which this template tries to demonstrate. If you choose to write your own commands (functions) in the preamble.typ file, this needs to be imported at the start of each chapter you plan to use the commands in. Sections that come before the main matter, like the Finnish and English abstracts (tiivistelmä.typ|abstract.typ) and preface.typ must not be removed from the contents folder, as the automation supposes that they are located there.

You should probably not modify the file tauthesis.typ, unless there is a bug that needs fixing right now, and not when the maintainer of this project manages to find the time to do it.


Issues may be created in the issue tracker on the template GitLab repository, if one has a GitLab account. Merge requests may also be performed after GitLab account creation, and forking the project. See GitLab’s documentation on this to find out how to do it link.


This project itself uses the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.