
Salsa Dip is a library for making DIP chip labels in Typst.

#import "@preview/salsa-dip:0.1.0": dip-chip-label

#set text(font: ("JetBrains Mono", "Fira Code", "DejaVu Sans Mono"), weight: "extrabold")
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: .125cm)

#let z80-labels = ("A11", ..., "A9", "A10")

#dip-chip-label(40, 0.54in, z80-labels, "Z80", settings: (pin-number-margin: 1pt, pin-number-size: 2.5pt, chip-label-size: 5pt))

Z80 Chip Label

#import "@preview/salsa-dip:0.1.0": dip-chip-label

#set text(font: ("JetBrains Mono", "Fira Code", "DejaVu Sans Mono"), weight: "extrabold")
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: .125cm)

#let labels = ("1A", "1B", "1Y", "2A", "2B", "2Y", "GND", "3Y", "3A", "3B", "4Y", "4A", "4B", "VCC")
#dip-chip-label(14, 0.24in, labels, "74LS00")

74ls00 Chip Label

The dip-chip-label function is called with four parameters, an integer number of pins for the chip, the width (usually 0.24in or 0.54in), the list of pin labels (if no labels are desired, an empty array can be passed), and the chip label.

There is an additional settings parameter which can be used to fine tune the apperance of the chip labels. The settings parameter is a dictionary optionally containing any of the setting keys:

  • chip-label-size: Font size for the chip label
  • pin-number-margin: Margin to give next to pin numbers
  • pin-number-size: Font size for pin numbers
  • pin-label-size: Font size for pin labels
  • include-numbers: Boolean enabling pin numbers
  • pin-spacing: Spacing of pins
  • vertical-margin: Total margin to put into spacing above and below pin labels