
rufish is a Russian lipsum text generator for Typst. It provides a set of built-in Russian text samples and allows you to generate Russian placeholder text for your documents and designs.

rufish is inspired by the kouhu package, a Chinese lipsum text generator for Typst. Similar to how kouhu generates Chinese placeholder text, rufish offers Russian text generation tailored for Typst users. You can generate Russian text samples of various types.

Why “rufish”?

The name “rufish” combines “ru” (for Russian language) and “fish” (from the Russian Wikipedia definition of “Lorem ipsum” as a placeholder text). In Russian, "Lorem ipsum " is commonly referred to as “рыба-текст” (“fish text”), which is used to describe dummy text that serves as a template for font and page layout samples. The term “рыба” (fish) is a uniquely Russian expression for this concept, hence its inclusion in the name.


#import "@preview/rufish:0.1.0": rufish, types

#rufish(100) // Generate 100 words of Russian transliterated lorem ipsum text
#rufish(words: 100, types.pangram) // Generate 100 words of Russian pangram text
#rufish(words: 100, types.pushkin) // Generate 100 words of Russian text authored by Pushkin

Available Types

All available text types can be imported with:

#import "src/lib.typ": types

The types include:

  • lorem: Standard lorem ipsum text
  • pangram: Russian pangram
  • pushkin: Texts by Alexander Pushkin
  • And other works by famous Russian authors, sourced from the Welikolepie repository.


  • words: The number of words to generate (positive integer).
  • type: Choose the type of text to generate (e.g., “lorem”, “pangram”, etc.). If not specified, the default type is “lorem”.


This package was inspired by the kouhu Typst package, which provides a Chinese lipsum text generator. By borrowing some concepts from kouhu, rufish was created to provide a similar functionality for the Russian language.


rufish is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.