Create project in app
A typst resume designed for optimal information density and aesthetic appeal.
A LaTeX version
will be a good start.
A minimal exmaple would be:
#show: project.with(
title: "Resume-ng",
author: (name: "FengKaiyu"),
"+86 188-888-8888",
link("", ""),
// More items...
university: "BIT",
degree: "Your degree",
school: "Your Major and school",
start: "2021-09",
end: "2024-06"
*GPA: 3.62/4.0*. My main research interest
is in #strong("Byzantine Consensus Algorithm"),
and I have some research and engineering experience in the field of distributed systems.
#resume-section[Work Experience]
company: "A company",
duty: "Your duty",
start: "2020.10",
end: "2021.03",
- *Independently responsible for the design, development, testing and deployment of XXX business backend.* Implemented station letter template rendering service through FaaS, Kafka and other platforms. Provided SDK code to upstream, added or upgraded various offline and online logic.
- *Participate in XXX's requirement analysis, system technical solution design; complete requirement development, grey scale testing, go-live and monitoring.*
title: "Project name",
duty: "Your duty",
start: "2021.11",
end: "2022.07",
- Implemented a memory pool manager based on an extensible hash table and LRU-K, and developed a concurrent B+ tree supporting optimistic locking for read and write operations.
- Utilized the volcano model to implement executors for queries, updates, joins, and aggregations, and performed query rewriting and pushing down optimizations.
- Implemented concurrency control using 2PL (two-phase locking), supporting deadlock handling, multiple isolation levels, table locks, and row locks.