
A simple module to write tengwar in Typst.


For use with the Typst web app, you need to upload the font files to your project.


The main functionality of this module is provided by the function quenya taking content and converting all text in Tenwar using the Quenya mode. The original text is used as a phonetic transcription. (This module does not translate English into Quenya.) See the manual for more information.

The following line may be used to convert the whole document below to Tengwar in Quenya mode (other show rules might interfere with it):

#show: quetta.quenya


#import "@preview/quetta:0.1.0"

// Use the function `quenya` to write a small amount of text in Tengwar (Quenya mode)
#text(size: 16pt, 
      fill: gradient.linear(blue, green)


// A `show` rule may be more convenient for larger contents; beware that it may interfere with other ones, though
#show: quetta.quenya


#h(1em) _Namárië!_

#h(2em) *Namárië!*


  • Number conversion: done
  • Support for the Quenya mode: done
  • Support for the mode of Gondor: backlog
  • Support for the mode of Beleriand: backlog
  • Support for the Black Speech: backlog

How can I contribute?

I (the original author) am definitely not en expert in either Typst nor Tengwar. I could thus use some help in all areas. I would especially welcome contributions or suggestions on the following:

  • Identify and resolve inefficiencies in the Typst code.
  • Identify cases where the result differs from the expected one. (In particular, there are probably rules for writing in Tengwar that I either am not aware of or have not properly understood. Any advice on that is warmly welcome!)
  • References on Tengar, Quenya, and Sidarin.
  • Support for other Tengwar fonts.