Version 0.1.0
plotsy-3d is a Typst package for rendering 3D objects built on top of CeTZ. Similar functionality to pgfplots for LaTeX but currently less developed.
- 3D Function plotting of the form
z = f(x,y)
- Parametric curve plotting of the form
x(t), y(t), z(t)
- Parametric surface plotting of the form
x(u,v), y(u,v), z(u,v)
- Plots autoscale with font size for consistent style
See Usage or examples/examples.typ
for the code
Future Plans (contributors welcome):
- [ ] Nicer way to draw vectors
- [ ] Better way to handle render order
- [ ] User Manual
- [ ] Make the code and api nicer
Parametric Function Plotting
#import "@preview/plotsy-3d:0.1.0": plot-3d-parametric-curve
#let xfunc(t) = 15*calc.cos(t)
#let yfunc(t) = calc.sin(t)
#let zfunc(t) = t
== Parametric Curve
$ x(t) = 15 cos(t), space y(t)= sin(t), space z(t)= t $
subdivisions:30, //number of line segments per unit
scale_dim: (0.03,0.05,0.05), // relative and global scaling
axis_step: (5,5,5), // adjust distance between x, y, z number labels
dot_thickness: 0.05em,
front_axis_thickness: 0.1em,
front_axis_dot_scale: (0.04, 0.04),
rear_axis_dot_scale: (0.08,0.08),
rear_axis_text_size: 0.5em,
axis_label_size: 1.5em,
rotation_matrix: ((-2, 2, 4), (0, -1, 0)) // matrix.transform-rotate-dir() from cetz
3D Surface Plotting
#import "@preview/plotsy-3d:0.1.0": plot-3d-surface
#let size = 10
#let scale_factor = 0.11
#let (xscale,yscale,zscale) = (0.3,0.3,0.02)
#let scale_dim = (xscale*scale_factor,yscale*scale_factor, zscale*scale_factor)
#let func(x,y) = x*x + y*y
#let color-func(x, y, z, x_lo,x_hi,y_lo,y_hi,z_lo,z_hi) = {
return blue.transparentize(20%).darken((y/(y_hi - y_lo))*100%).lighten((x/(x_hi - x_lo)) * 50%)
== 3D Surface
$ z= x^2 + y^2 $
color-func: color-func,
subdivisions: 2,
subdivision_mode: "decrease",
scale_dim: scale_dim,
xdomain: (-size,size),
ydomain: (-size,size),
pad_high: (0,0,0), // padding around the domain with no function displayed
pad_low: (0,0,5),
axis_step: (3,3,75),
dot_thickness: 0.05em,
front_axis_thickness: 0.1em,
front_axis_dot_scale: (0.05,0.05),
rear_axis_dot_scale: (0.08,0.08),
rear_axis_text_size: 0.5em,
axis_label_size: 1.5em,
Parametric Surface Plotting
#import "@preview/plotsy-3d:0.1.0": plot-3d-parametric-surface
#let xfunc(u,v) = u*calc.sin(v)
#let yfunc(u,v) = u*calc.cos(v)
#let zfunc(u,v) = u
#let color-func(x, y, z, x_lo,x_hi,y_lo,y_hi,z_lo,z_hi) = {
return purple.transparentize(20%).lighten((z/(z_hi - z_lo)) * 80%)
#let scale_factor = 0.25
#let (xscale,yscale,zscale) = (0.3,0.2,0.3)
#let scale_dim = (xscale*scale_factor,yscale*scale_factor, zscale*scale_factor)
== Parametric Surface
$ x(u,v) = u sin(v), space y(u,v)= u cos(v), space z(u,v)= u $
xaxis: (-5,5), // set the minimum axis size, scales with function if needed
yaxis: (-5,5),
zaxis: (0,5),
color-func: color-func,
scale_dim: scale_dim,
udomain:(0, calc.pi+1), // note this gets truncated to an integer
vdomain:(0, 2*calc.pi+1), // note this gets truncated to an integer
axis_step: (5,5,5),
dot_thickness: 0.05em,
front_axis_thickness: 0.1em,
front_axis_dot_scale: (0.04, 0.04),
rear_axis_dot_scale: (0.08,0.08),
rear_axis_text_size: 0.5em,
axis_label_size: 1.5em,
Vector Field Plotting
#import "@preview/plotsy-3d:0.1.0": plot-3d-vector-field
#let size = 10
#let scale_factor = 0.12
#let (xscale,yscale,zscale) = (0.3,0.3,0.3)
#let i_func(x,y,z) = x + 0.5
#let j_func(x,y,z) = y + 0.5
#let k_func(x,y,z) = z + 1
#let color-func(x, y, z, x_lo,x_hi,y_lo,y_hi,z_lo,z_hi) = {
return purple.darken(z/(z_hi - z_lo) * 100%)
== 3D Vector Field
$ arrow(p)(x,y,z) = (x+0.5) hat(i) + (y+0.5) hat(j) + (z+1) hat(k) $
color-func: color-func,
subdivisions: 3,
subdivision_mode: "decrease",
scale_dim: (xscale*scale_factor,yscale*scale_factor, zscale*scale_factor),
xdomain: (-size,size),
ydomain: (-size,size),
zdomain: (0,size),
// pad_high: (0,0,2),
rotation_matrix: ((-1.5, 1.2, 4), (0, -1, 0)),
axis_label_offset: (0.4,0.2,0.2),
axis_text_offset: 0.08,
vector_size: 0.1em,
Custom Plotting
For custom combinations of plots and lines, you can make a copy of the relevant plot function from plotsy-3d.typ
and add multiple plots onto the same axis in the same cetz canvas using the backend render functions.
More Examples
Star History
Initial release
- 3D Function plotting of the form
z = f(x,y)
- Parametric curve plotting of the form
x(t), y(t), z(t)
- Parametric function plotting of the form
x(u,v), y(u,v), z(u,v)