

outline-summaryst is a basic package designed for including a summary for each entry in the table of contents, particularly useful for writing books. It provides a simple structure for organizing content and generating formatted documents with summary sections.


  • A template for the outline, which styles both the heading and their summaries.
  • A macro for creating new headings and a summary for each heading.


Because of the way the project is implemented, only the headings created with the provided make-heading("heading name", "summary") are shown in in the outline. Headings created with the default = Heading syntax will not show in said outline (though they will show up in the document itself).

Example Usage:

#import "@preview/outline-summaryst:0.1.0": style-outline, make-heading

// you can set `outline-title: none` in order not to display any title
#show outline: style-outline.with(outline-title: "Table of Contents")


#make-heading("Part One", "This is the summary for part one")

#make-heading("Chapter One", "Summary for chapter one in part one", level: 2)

#make-heading("Chapter Two", "This is the summary for chapter two in part one", level: 2)

#make-heading("Part Two", "And here we have the summary for part two")

#make-heading("Chapter One", "Summary for chapter one in part two", level: 2)

#make-heading("Chapter Two", "Summary for chapter two in part two", level: 2)

Known limitations

  • Currently, we do not provide a way for styling the table of contents or headings


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.