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A template for writing a bachelors or masters thesis at the Hochschule Hannover, Faculty 4.
Getting Started
Choose the template in the typst web app and follow the instructions there.
typst init @preview/modern-hsh-thesis:1.0.2
#import "@preview/modern-hsh-thesis:1.0.2": *
#show: project.with(
title: "Beispiel-Titel",
subtitle: "Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Mediendesigninformatik",
author: "Vorname Nachname",
author_email: "vorname@nachname.tld",
matrikelnummer: 1234567,
prof: [
Prof. Dr. Vorname Nachname\
Abteilung Informatik, Fakultät IV\
Hochschule Hannover\
second_prof: [
Prof. Dr. Vorname Nachname\
Abteilung Informatik, Fakultät IV\
Hochschule Hannover\
date: "01. August 2024",
glossaryColumns: 1,
bibliography: bibliography(("sources.bib", "sources.yaml"), style: "institute-of-electrical-and-electronics-engineers", title: "Literaturverzeichnis")
Import parameter
While title, subtitle, author and many more parameters are self-explanatory, some parameters require additional context to understand their full meaning and usage.
Parameter chapter-break-mode
(optional, String)
“default”: Ensures each chapter begins on a left-hand page, potentially inserting an additional blank page if necessary
“recto”: Ensures each chapter begins on a right-hand (recto) page, potentially inserting an additional blank page if necessary
“next-page”: Forces a page break before starting each new chapter “none”: Chapters continue on the current page without interruption
Additional functions
contains additional functions that can be used in the template.
: A small line that can be used to separate sections.
: A card that can be used to create a list of tracks (see example in 1-einleitung.typ).
or ##narrowTrack
: A track that can be displayed inside a task (see example in 1-einleitung.typ).
: Display a Use Case (see example in 1-einleitung.typ).
: Display a quote with an attribution.
, #codeFigure
, #imageFigure
, #treeFigure
: Wrap an image/code/diagram/tree-list in a figure with a caption.
: Display a figure without padding.
: Get the heading of the current page.
Development Environment
In WebStorm make sure to open a Git Bash Console. 0. Install Just winget install --id Casey.Just --exact
- Install Typst
- Clone the repository
- CD into the repository
- Run
git pull && just install && just install-preview
to install/update the template - Run
typst init @local/modern-hsh-thesis:1.0.2 && typst compile modern-hsh-thesis/main.typ
to compile the template
Additional Documentation
Take a look at this complete Bachelor’s thesis example using the modern-hsh-thesis
template: Bachelor’s Thesis Example