
Render tetris fumen in typst!

#import "typst-package/lib.typ": decode-fumen, render-field
// Uncomment the following line to use the mino from the official package registry
// #import "@preview/mino:0.1.1": decode-fumen, render-field
#set page(margin: 1.5cm)

  #text(size: 25pt)[
    DT Cannon

#let fumen = decode-fumen("v115@vhPJHYaAkeEfEXoC+BlvlzByEEfE03k2AlP5ABwfAA?A+rQAAqsBsqBvtBTpBVhQeAlvlzByEEfE03k2AlP5ABwvDf?E33ZBBlfbOBV5AAAOfQeAlvlzByEEfE03+2BlP5ABwvDfEV?5k2AlPJVBjzAAA6WQAAzdBpeB0XBXUBFlQnAlvlzByEEfE0?3+2BlP5ABwvDfEXhWEBUYPNBkkuRA1GCLBUupAAdqQnAlvl?zByEEfE038UBlP5ABwvDfEXhWEBUYPNBkkuRA1GCLBU+rAA?AAPAA")

#for i in range(fumen.len()) {
  let field = fumen.at(i).at("field")
      #render-field(field, rows: 8, cell-size: 13pt) 



Decode a fumen string into a series of pages.


  • data: str - The fumen string to decode


The pages, of type Array<{ field: Array<string, 20>, comment: string }>.

    field: (
    comment: "..."



  • field: array of str - The field to render
  • rows: number - The number of rows to render, default to 20
  • cell-size: length - The size of each cell, default to 10pt
  • bg-color: color - The background color, default to #f3f3ed
  • stroke: The stroke for the field, default to none
  • radius: The border radius for the field, default to 0.25 * cell-size
  • shadow: Whether to show shadow for cells, default to true
  • highlight: Whether to highlight cells, default to true
  • color-data: The color data for the field, default to default-color-data:
  • overdraw: (default, 5) Draw each cell multiple times to avoid thin lines between cells. See https://github.com/linebender/vello/issues/49
#let default-color = (
  "Z": rgb("#ef624d"),
  "S": rgb("#66c65c"),
  "L": rgb("#ef9535"),
  "J": rgb("#1983bf"),
  "T": rgb("#9c27b0"),
  "O": rgb("#f7d33e"),
  "I": rgb("#41afde"),
  "X": rgb("#686868")
  • highlight-color-data: The highlight color data for the field, default to default-highlight-color:
#let default-highlight-color = (
  "Z": rgb("#ff9484"),
  "S": rgb("#88ee86"),
  "L": rgb("#ffbf60"),
  "J": rgb("#1ba6f9"),
  "T": rgb("#e56add"),
  "O": rgb("#fff952"),
  "I": rgb("#43d3ff"),
  "X": rgb("#949494")
  • shadow-color: The shadow color for the field, default to #6f6f6f17


The styles and color scheme are inspired by four.lol