
This package provides the minitoc command that does the same thing as the outline command but only for headings under the heading above it.

This is inspired by minitoc package for LaTeX.


#import "@preview/minitoc:0.1.0": *
#set heading(numbering: "1.1")


= Heading 1


== Heading 1.1


=== Heading 1.1.1


== Heading 1.2


= Heading 2

This produces


The minitoc function has the following signature:

#let minitoc(
  title: none, target: heading.where(outlined: true),
	depth: none, indent: none, fill: repeat([.])
) { /* .. */ }

This is designed to be as close to the outline funtions as possible. The arguments are:

  • title: The title for the local outline. This is the same as for outline.title.
  • target: What should be included. This is the same as for outline.target
  • depth: The maximum depth different to include. For example, if depth was 1 in the example, “Heading 1.1.1” would not be included
  • indent: How the entries should be indented. Takes the same types as for outline.indent and is passed directly to it
  • fill: Content to put between the numbering and title, and the page number. Same types as for outline.fill

Unintended consequences

Because minitoc uses outline, if you apply numbering to the title of outline with #show outline: set heading(numbering: "1.") or similar, any title in minitoc will be numbered and be a level 1 heading. This cannot be changed with #show outline: set heading(level: 3) or similar unfortunately.